Crew Godley 30.04.2021

We’ve had a fantastic week in Crew Godley this week! Our expeditionary learning has been so exciting! We began with our gallery of photos from when we were babies. The children were so amazed to see themselves so small 👶🏻

We’ve been writing facts about animals to tell Farmer Ian all about the animals he could have on his farm if he wished to. We’ve worked so hard to demonstrate green standard by using our phonics to help spell those tricky words, finger spaces and full stops.

We’ve given out lots of Howls throughout the week for children who are demonstrating their ability to work hard, get smart and be kind. I wonder who will be our HoWL heroes next week 🦸‍♂️

I would like to praise SJ who has worked incredibly hard on his learning behaviours this week. I am absolutely delighted with his maturity and resilience even when things get a little tricky.

We have worked hard on our praises, pledges, notices and wonders this week in crew and I can’t wait to see more children sharing with each other in crew next week 💜

Howl Average: 3.6

We’ve definitely had the Friday Feeling today, so enjoy the long weekend Crew Godley and I will see you all bright and early on Tuesday morning 🙂