Fantastic Friday! We have had a day that has been mostly working on maths. We were so in the flow that it would have been a shame to stop. It was trickier than yesterday, but we persevered and continued to make really good progress on decimals – this time on hundredths. We finished off the day by making purple pen improvements in our writing and ensuring we had met our standards. Our HoWL Heroes:
Work Hard: Sapphire for always being on task and challenging her learning! 😁
Get Smart: Evie for continually listening carefully and making sure that she does her best! 😁
Be Kind: Keegan (again!!) for helping those who might struggle make the right choice. I know that you wanted this two days in a row! 😃
Learning Legend: Lucas – Lucas the super star! What a phenomenal attitude you display to your work. You are really taking care of your handwriting, to make sure it is presentable and are trying to hit gold each time. By doing this Lucas, you are not only meeting the Work Hard HoWL, but Get Smart too. I know how much you want this and you have fully deserved this for a number of weeks now – keep it up! 🤩
Our HoWL average for today was 2.9 and our weekly average was 3.0! I wonder if we can ensure our classroom is tidy to show off our high expectations?
Have a great weekend guys! 😆