Crew Elmer Daily Post 13.10.20

Teambuilding Tuesday! 💡

Today has been a great day in Crew Elmer 😁 despite the miserable weather outside! 🌧

Star moment of the day: ⭐

Today there have been many moments that I have praised in Crew Elmer…Including our fabulous writing in ‘The Write Stuff’ where many children deepened the moment by including some similes in their writing. However, the moment that stood out for me the most was the ‘crew building’ skills that children demonstrated during our PE lesson today! The children worked together really well in a short space of time to create some excellent dens! I also praised how all of the dens were different! Great work Crew Elmer! 👍


Today’s HoWL average is: 2.9

This is slightly lower than yesterday but we are still on track to getting that HoWL weekly average of 3.0 which means a spin on the wheel!

This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to remember that even if it is wet play and we have to remain indoors we must still be kind to each other through sharing classroom resources that are for all crew members such as, colouring pencils, pens, paper etc.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Today Crew Elmer had to have a vote as none of us could decide between two crew members who we wanted to award our HoWL Hero to (because remember Miss Hart we only choose one a day! 🤣). After a vote (which was very close) we awarded the HoWL Hero to Harry for being super ‘kind’ in Crew Elmer today. He has supported many children with their work today but what stood out to lots of us was how he helped Lacey-Niia write her sentence for her voice over for our kindness video for Green Tops. This was lovely 💕 and very crew 😊. Well done Harry! 🙌