What a Wonderful Wednesday it has been up in Crew Elmer today! 🌟
Star moment of the day: ⭐
Today I praise how well Crew Elmer worked as mini crews in our PE lesson today. The children demonstrated just how kind they can be through sharing the ball, including everyone in the game, ensuring that everyone gets a go, passing the ball and moving around safely, using their manners and ultimately making sure that everyone is happy! 😃 It was a great session and afterwards both Miss Hart and I shared how successful we thought the lesson has been! Excellent work Crew Elmer! 👏
Today’s HoWL average is: 2.9
This is a little dip from yesterday’s HoWL score but as a group we discussed this and felt that it was due to two crew members being absent and a few children being unkind when it came to holding doors open for each other. We have addressed this issue and hope that tomorrow our score improves. 🤞
This week’s HoWL target is: 2.9
How can we improve this tomorrow?
Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to make sure that we are continuing to ‘be kind’ at all times especially when moving around school. We need to be in our line order at all times and ensure that we pass the door along or hold it open for the next person. Sounds obvious but some of us have been forgetting to do this! 🤦♀️
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Crew Elmer nominated Ryleigh for her exceptional hard work in PE today! Her attacking and defending skills were out of this world! 🌎 We know that Ryleigh enjoys football out of school but it was great to see her working hard to apply these skills to a new challenge in PE today. Lots of children praised this and it was also recognised by myself and Miss Hart. Amazing stuff Ryleigh! Well done! I wonder if next time you could teach some of your ‘mini crew’ in using some of these skills to make your whole crew as successfully as you had been in today’s lesson? 🧐