Wonderful Wednesday! Today has been such a lovely day! 😊💕 I’m not sure if it was because I have taught more lessons today with Miss Clarke being off or because Crew Elmer have been little angels today! 😇
Star moment of the day: ⭐
Today’s ‘Star moment of the day’, has to be The Write Stuff! I haven’t had the opportunity to teach English since my isolation period began due to childcare issues and Miss Clarke wanting the experience so it was lovely to be able to lead it today! The children really blew me away with their ‘chotting’ and the ideas that they generated. I was also so impressed with how much some of the children had written! Leo, Harley and Lacey showed me their books on screen and it was definitely a WOW moment! 🤩 Well done Crew Elmer! 🤩😁😬🙌👏👍⭐📝 I’m already excited about teaching The Write Stuff on Friday! Even if we do have visitors watching! 👀
Todays HoWL average is: 3.1
This is an improvement on yesterday so well done Crew Elmer! I could tell from listening to the praises at the end of the day that the whole crew have been really kind to each other today which is great! 💕 I loved how Hannah helped Harley read his sentence today and how kind Leo had been whilst sitting next to Hannah! This is the Crew that I love to see! 💕
This week’s HoWL target is: 3.4
How can we develop this tomorrow?
Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to be just as kind today and more children need to be achieving Green Standard in a number of lessons to secure a ‘4’ for their HoWLs.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Today I actually got to choose the HoWL hero! 😬 I chose this young lady because in The Write Stuff this morning she had her hand up lots and contributed lots of great ideas. I was also impressed with how hard she worked at making sure that her writing was presented beautifully, that her spellings were spelt correctly and that she included all of the elements and lenses to ensure that she achieved Gold Standard. I also loved the lovely smile that came along with her when she presented her book to me in front of the laptop! For all of these reasons I chose Lacey-Niia! I hope that you have gone home bursting with pride because you truly deserve to be proud of yourself today Lacey-Niia. Well done! 👍👏⭐🙌🤩📝✏📒