Thrilling Thursday! 🤩
We have finally made it to the end of our first week back! 👏 Lots of children are very pleased about this as it has been a long and tiring week for some after a relaxed week off last week!
Star moment of the day: ⭐
Today’s star moment has got to be our ‘Write Stuff’ lesson. I was blown away with how well the children were able to identify a range of key features of a playscript. Children annotated their own copy of a playscript really well, using clear labels and a range of colours. The presentation was amazing! I was further impressed when we did ‘popcorn’ and all crew members could list at least one feature of a playscript as well as some children being able to explain the purpose of the listed feature.
Todays HoWL average is: 2.9
Yay! We have finally got our score back up! This is down to lots of children working really hard in Crew Elmer today! I am also pleased that we have managed to achieve this score despite several crew members still being absent, so well done Crew Elmer!
This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0
How can we develop this next week?
Crew Elmer need to make sure that they all attend school next week or that they access the remote learning being offered so that we can avoid those 1’s. Crew members also need to ensure that they are trying their best to achieve 3’s (minimum expectation) for their HoWLs.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Today’s HoWL Hero was Rowen! Rowen was praised by several crew members for his hard work in reading today and for his confidence in reading aloud in front of the whole class. Rowen also did incredibly well on his Salford Reading Test and made massive progress which we are all very proud of! Rowen also earnt the HoWL hero for working really hard when completing his maths work this morning! Well done Rowen! An amazing day for you! 🙌😁⭐👏