Happy Monday! 😊 There were no Monday blues in Crew Elmer today when we knew it was the last Monday before half term! 🙌 The children also loved today as Miss Hart and Miss Clarke got to teach them all morning whilst Mrs Elmer did some exciting planning for next half term! 💻😁📒
Star moment of the day: ⭐
Well my first ‘star moment’ was hearing about the fabulous work that children have been doing at home this weekend! This is fantastic Crew Elmer and I definitely want to see more of this! Working extra hard at home is going to help you to become extra smart! Excellent! I also loved being sent this photos on Saturday of Lacey working extra hard and receiving some great writing from Esme this morning! Fab work girls!

Excited to see your expedition work tomorrow Frankie!
This afternoon in class I was really blown away with our ‘Hooked on Books’ session! 📒 The children were all on task and are now really confident at identify the different FANTASTIC lenses within a given text. I was also impressed with how well some of the children attempted to use the sentence starter and bonus words! There were lots of ‘Book Talk’ points earnt in today’s lesson! Same again for tomorrow please Crew Elmer whist you are being filmed! 🤞👍

Today’s HoWL average is: 3.3
This is a great score for a Monday Crew Elmer! I think I am going to spend the morning out of class more often! 👏
This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0
How can we develop this tomorrow?
Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to make sure that they continue to work hard, get smart and be kind at all times! Especially (as I keep saying!) at play and lunch times. Maybe in crew time we can think of some Crew games to help with this?
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Today Crew Elmer had some lovely praises for each other 💕😊 However, the HoWL hero went to Harley, who was nominated by both Miss Clarke and Mrs Elmer for consistently ‘working hard’ all day and in every lesson! This is great Harley! Keep this up all week please! 😁🙌👏👍