Crew Elmer Daily Blog 16.03.21

Tiring Tuesday! After today I don’t think we can quite believe that it is only Tuesday in Crew Elmer! We have absolutely worked our socks off today and gone home feeling very tired! 💤 I hope you are all getting an early night so that you feel well rested and fresh to start again tomorrow morning!

Star moment of the day: ⭐

Today ‘s star moment has got to be our maths lesson today! I was blown away with how well children quickly grasped tenths. They were able to order them, add them, find them, shade them in and much more. The majority of the crew also whizzed through the ‘diagnostic 5’ questions and even completed all of the reasoning and problem solving questions! WOW! WOW! WOW! Definitely a highlight of today! Well done Crew for blowing my socks off as Harley would say! 🤣

Todays HoWL average is: 3.3

Another great score Crew Elmer! 🙌👏👍

This week’s HoWL target is: 3.4

How can we develop this tomorrow? 

We need to work as a crew to ensure that we are all securing those 3’s as a minimum tomorrow! Lets stick together and get us all there! I know we can do it!

Today’s HoWL Hero: 

Today’s HoWL Hero was Laila. This girl received the most praises from her crew members today for being super kind at crew playtimes as well as for helping her crew members with their work during lesson times. Her crew members also noticed how hard she had been working throughout every lesson. Miss Hart and I also praised her for just ‘getting on’. Laila was also asked to complete some extra tasks today and again she just ‘got on’ with them and never moaned or complained. She is a very happy and super lovely girl who very much deserves to be HoWL hero today! Well done Laila! 🙌🤩👏👍