Welcome Back! 🖐
It was so nice to have most of the crew back in the classroom today! 🤗💕
Star moment of the day: ⭐
This has got to be our PE session this afternoon. I was really impressed with how well our crew worked together in small teams during games of netball and basketball today. The children played really fairly and were incredibly supportive of each other. I was also blown away with how well they praised each other, showing great sportsmanship. 😁👏⭐👍🙌
Todays HoWL average is: 2.9
A great score for our first day back in school, especially as there were still some crew members who were unaccounted for. I’m hoping that this number continues to rise!
This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0
How can we develop this tomorrow?
Crew Elmer need to make sure that they continue to demonstrate all HoWLs as best as they can and aim for Green Standard in most lessons to help them to achieve those ‘4’s’.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Today’s HoWL Hero was Laila. Today was Laila’s first day back in the classroom since last half term and she coped incredibly well. Lots of the Crew praised how Laila just got on like she has never been away! Laila worked hard in every lesson and I was really impressed with her knowledge in maths and her handwriting in The Write Stuff! An excellent first day back Laila! Well done! 👏⭐🤩🙌