Happy Friday People! 🙌
What an exciting day 🤩 it has been today in Crew Elmer today celebrating ‘World Mental Health Day’! ❤
Star moment of the day: ⭐
Our ‘star moment of the day’ was when the children were listing activities that made them ‘feel good’ 😊 It was lovely to hear 👂 the different things that the children do to make them feel ‘happy’ 😁 The children then created their own wellbeing handprints to be displayed on the wall in the hall! Watch this space for the final product! 🤩
Today’s HoWL average is: 3.4
WOW! 🤩 I think that this is the highest daily HoWL average that we have had so far! I believe this is down to how hard lots of the children have worked today and also because we almost had a full Crew house! 👍 I wonder… can we keep this up?
This week’s HoWL target is: 2.9
How can we improve this next week?
Next week, Crew Elmer need to continue to work hard and have a positive attitude towards their learning at all times, as well as remembering to be kind to ALL crew members. I know we can do it Crew Elmer! 👍
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Crew Elmer nominated Lily-Beth for our ‘HoWL hero’ today, for ‘working so hard’. Lily-Beth hasn’t been at school this week so it was lovely to see her return today! 😁 She has slotted straight back in with an incredibly positive attitude and worked hard all day! This was fabulous to see and was recognised by us all in Crew Elmer! 👍
Learning legend:
This weeks ‘Learning Legend’ was Sienna! How could it not be this girl this week?! This girl has absolutely worked her socks off this week at trying her best to achieve 4’s in all three HoWLS! She has been focused on her learning in EVERY lesson, even during all of the different activities on Party Day! She always gives 100%, has a positive attitude to her learning and as a result is getting very smart! Her coding skills in computing this week blew me away and how quickly she was able to grasp new concepts. Sienna has also been very helpful in the classroom and has supported her crew members both inside and outside of the classroom, ensuring that they are playing nicely and working hard! This week I cannot fault this girl and I really hope that this continues! Excellent work Superstar Sienna! Well done! 🥇👏👍🙌🤩
See below our exciting phase video to sum this week up! 👇
Crew Attendance:
Our latest attendance was 93.51% This means that we are working towards the minimum expected standard (97%) this week!