CPS closed to pupils on Monday 4th January 2021

Dear all,

Please find a letter attached from our Director of Education for Doncaster and Public Health England.

As a result, Carcroft will be closed to pupils on Monday 4th January and will reopen to all year groups on Tuesday 5th January at the agreed times adhered to prior to the Christmas break.

We are keen to ensure that our staff feel as safe as they can returning to work following the break and will ensure that tomorrow we review our risk assessment in order to ensure that we do everything in which we can in order to ensure that school is as safe as we can possibly make it for our families returning on Tuesday. We can’t wait to have the children back with us.

There will be no online learning set tomorrow, however, if you would like to set your chid some homework, please could we ask that they practise some quick Maths skills including their timestables recall and basic skills such as mental addition and subtraction (doing this in their head nice and quickly).

We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday morning,

Miss Laing

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