Crew Hamill had SO much fun this afternoon creating their own inventions! We discussed all of the pieces of technology we found around school during our last computing lesson and reminded ourselves of what a computer is. We then used this information to come up with our own inventions that all involved a computer. We had to think about what we would need to input into our inventions in order for them to work and then what the output would be once we did that. We had some amazing ideas, including:
- A cupcake machine: You press a button on your desk and the cupcake machine pops up from underneath, producing a freshly baked cupcake.
- A glitter party machine: A small box attached to the ceiling. When you clap 3 times, it triggers the machine to open. When the doors open, glitter rains down from the ceiling and the box starts to play music so that you can have a party.
- A time machine: A box that you can go into and programme with different years. This allows you to move forwards or backwards in time!
- A shrink watch: When you twist the outer circle of the watch in one direction, it makes you shrink to the size of a little bug! When you twist it back in the opposite direction, you’re the same size again.