It’s all about the view…

Today we finished our book of “Our Tower” the children met a man in the tree who gifted them a stone with a hole in it, the stone gave them a different view of the world. Once leaving the magical inside of the tree the children decided to use this to view their city. This now looked completely different through their viewpoint – the once grey and dull city no longer looked dull and boring but now looked fun with people having picnics and playing, the sun was shining and everyone was having fun.

It left us thinking that if you change your view on something it might not be as bad as it seems.

Experience Day – Charlie and the Chocolate factory

In our writing lesson today, we first completed a silent conversation and chotted down notices, actions and feelings that we could see in the pictures from the film. We then watched the clip of Charlie and the Chocolate factory and chotted some amazing vocabulary we could use in our writing. We even used the thesaurus to uplevel this vocabulary. After that, we then put parts of the film in order of which they happened. We did have to watch the clip a few times to make sure we got them in the correct order but this was a great way to get to fully understand the writing journey we will be going on.

Writing Speech – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

After having time to work alongside out partners to write speech, it was now time to write speech independently. We watched the video, took note of what was being said and by who before recording this in our books and punctuating it. It was lovely to see some children push themselves to green and experience with having the reporting clause at the start and end of the sentence.

Experience Day – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Crew Hamill have loved sinking their teeth into their new writing genre this week! We have begun a narrative on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and after spending a few grammar days focusing on speech in order to be able to include this in our retelling of the story, we have today begun to focus on the section of the film we will be writing about. We began by watching a short clip that was taken from the film, where Charlie and the rest of the Golden Ticket winners enter the room of all things edible! We then recalled what we had watched by sequencing a range of pictures from the clip. Finally, we worked as a crew to chot down lots of vocabulary based on what we had seen. We have created an anchor chart full of brilliant vocabulary words that we can use to really make our writing stand out.

Our tower – where are the leaves coming from?

Today we experienced the next part of our book and looked at what we saw out of our tower, we could see lots of leaves blowing from the park that is on the out skirts of the grey, dull city. We watched them blow passed us and created our own green leaf. We then made a pack lunch to take with us on our adventure to find where the leaves were coming from. We enjoyed our jam sandwich outside under the tree.