Yr 4 – Editing/redraft

Today, we started to edit and redraft our recount from the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. This has been a skill we’ve been working on since September and we’re continuing to develop.

We looked at an example of someone’s work and went through the process of taking one sentence at a time so we’re editing/redrafting small chunks. This ensures that we are working with manageable chunks. After modelling, children had the opportunity to start editing/redrafting their own work. They worked on whiteboards so they could edit and rework their sentence before writing into their books. We will continue to work on this during the next couple of lessons.

Ice Age The Meltdown – Experience Day 💦🦣

Today, we were super excited to start our new writing block! We found out we were writing a narrative based on the film Ice Age The Meltdown ❄️🧊 We started our experience day by looking at snapshots from the film and chotting what we could notice, any actions that were happening and what the character may be feeling. After that, we watched part of the film to familiarise ourselves with what happens. We really enjoyed this and it showed us exactly what we would be writing about. Next, we sequenced pictures from the film to see if we could remember the order which it happened. We really enjoyed this and had some great discussions about how Ellie the Mammoth being stuck in the cave could not come before the water escaped the dam. We are really excited to start writing this narrative!💦🦣

Wonderful writing!

Crew MW have been working hard on their writing skills today. After a visit from Goldilocks, they wanted to tell Miss Welburn how to make porridge like they did with Miss McGlone on Tuesday. They worked hard to build sentences together in a group and then to pinch their sounds using their Fred fingers and spell the words to make captions. We’re really impressed with the captions that they came up with!

Non-chronological Reports

Yesterday we began to explore non-fiction writing. We are going to create our own non-chronological report all about hedgehogs as we have been learning about them in our expedition lessons. We stared by exploring the features of a non-chronological report such as headings and subheadings. We then worked in pairs to find out some of our own hedgehog facts to use in our writing later in the week.

Trying to fly…

After everything that the hedgehog has done for Carla, his one dream was being able to fly. We firstly had to use Percy the Park Keepers help to unwrap Carla from her washing line and then we watched her with the other animals (fox, badger, the two mice) flap her wings to fly.

We were so lucky that we got to fly with Carla and she helped us out after all we had done for her.

Amazing writers in Crew Godley ✍️

Wow! I am so proud of the crew today, getting smart to produce beautiful work. We ensured we reflected on our presentation, sitting our letters on the line, using finger spaces and the correct punctuation. It was a lot to think about! We wrote with pride and I couldn’t have been more prouder at our first attempt to produce display writing. Well done Crew Godley!

Getting a plaster to help are friend 🩹

In our experience lesson today we had to quickly run around the assault course around the playground and get a plaster out of the bag for our new friend Carla, who head a big red bump on her head.

We were fab at getting the plaster fast to help our friend! We also produced some lovely writing in our books.