Book talk continues in MI

Today we continued and finished our lesson from yesterday where we continued reading about famous inventors. We used a read around the robin today along with a chorus read. We then looked at our reasons to read.

Our entry ticket for todays lesson allowed us to work on our inference skills where we explored a picture. We thought about the girl in the picture and how she was feeling. We thought about who the characters were and what was happening in the picture. We explored the setting then thought about what the characters may be saying. There was lots of great discussion and thoughts expressed 🙂 From here we recapped the vocabulary we had explored yesterday with another entry ticket reminding ourselves of word meaning. We then moved onto looking at some written questions and worked independently to do this.

Book talk in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to think about the word inventor and what it means. We tried to think of any words that belong to this word family. We thought about the root word first and what it meant. Children thought about the word invent, inventing and invention. We shared our understanding of the word with the whole crew.

We then looked at some of the vocabulary that would appear in the text. Before we were introduced to the word class of each word, we discussed this with our partner. We also tried to put each word into context to help us gain a better understanding of what the words meant. As we read, we then text marked these words. We also tried to circle any other unfamiliar vocabulary and tried to think of one fact that we thought was really interesting. We placed an exclamation mark by this fact. We shared this with our partner then with the whole crew. Our reasons to read challenged our thinking 🙂 We even voiced our own opinions on the invention of the telephone.

Tomorrow we will continue with our book talk session where we will read about Josephine Garis Cochrane, the lady who invented the dishwasher!

Demo Comp – Dear Vampire 🧛

Following our book talk for the first half of this week, we spent yesterday completing some demonstration comprehension questions. We watched as Miss Hamill explained how to identify key information within the question which we could then find in the text and read around in order to support us in finding an accurate and specific answer. We then worked in pairs to use these strategies to identify the answers to some further questions about the book.

Book Talk – Dear Vampire 🧛

This week, we focused on our new book – Dear Vampire. We have spent a lot of time making ourselves familiar with the vocabulary within the book to ensure we can read fluently. We made initial predictions on what we thought the story might be about before we read the introduction which gave us a sneak peek. Following this, we predicted what we thought would happen next and were interested to have our first read to see if we were correct. We have delved deep into what the story is actually about within our book talk lessons and answered some retrieval questions using Fastest Finger and some inference questions that have made us think!

Book talk continues in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to reflect on yesterdays lesson and what we learnt about Mauritius. We created our own flag using our knowledge. It was great to see how much we had remembered.

We then unpicked our new language and discussed which text marking symbols we would focus on as we read. We read independently and with our partners today and we also listened to Mrs McClare read the text focussing on expression and fluency. Our reasons to read allowed us to get practical, sorting statements into two categories. We worked in mini crews to read each statement and decide if it was a fact for Madagascar or a fact for Gabon. We then shared our facts as a whole crew 🙂 We then looked at another impressions question, using the text to support our ideas. We are becoming more confident when answering this type of questions.

Our exit ticket assessed our whole understanding of the texts we had read. We sorted our cards again but this time thinking about the order they appear in the text. We used the text too to help us do this.

Book talk in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to build on previous reading lessons, thinking back to the African countries we have studied and read about. We thought back to the facts we had learnt about these countries and worked with our partners to voice facts. I was blown away by what we remembered! We have really loved learning about each country and learning about what it has to offer.

We then read our next bit of text all about Mauritius! This was a complete contrast to some of the countries we had previously looked at. We took part in a partner read, independent read and then a chorus read. We read the text over and over to ensure we were taking in the information. Mrs McClare questioned us on our reading as we read. We unpicked some of the language and made inferences based on the information.

We then moved onto our reasons to read, using the text to support our answers. We looked at different types of questions, some of these were ones we had struggled with in our latest assessment. We thought about our impressions of Mauritius and used the text to support our ideas.

Finally our exit ticket allowed us to think about Ammeenah Gurib, we voiced all the facts we had learnt about her whilst reading. A fantastic reading lesson today 🙂