Perfect Penguin Predictions 🐧📖✏️

To kickstart our new writing unit, based on the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers, for our experience lesson we discussed what we knew about penguins and predicted what the book would be about based on the front cover. We also watched an interesting video all about different types of penguins! Did you know there is a Fairy Penguin 🐧 that lives in Australia! 🇦🇺

Book talk in MI

Today we started a new text, ‘Africa, Amazing Africa.’ We started the lesson with a silent conversation where we explored the front cover and then the blurb. We then explored features of non fiction texts and played some games using the contents page and glossary. From here we started to unpick some of the vocabulary that will appear in our first few pages. We used pictures to help us with the vocabulary and tried to put the words into context. Tomorrow we will continue our book talk session where we will start reading the text 🙂 We are all eager to explore our new text further!

Demo Comprehension

Yesterday, we had our demo comprehension lesson where the children have a guided session on how to answer questions. We looked at which key words would help us answer. After modelling a couple of questions, the children had an opportunity to answer 2 similar questions with their shoulder partner.

Book talk in MI

Our entry tickets allowed us to make predictions on our new text. We used the pictures and title to help us with this. We made notices and wonders then made links to previous stories we had read. We then unpicked the title and again thought about what may happen. From here we explored our new vocabulary and tried to think of examples when we had used each word. From here we started to explore the text. We text marked our new vocabulary as we read. We were asked lots of questions about the text as we read, assessing our understanding. We then thought more about the setting and we drew our ideas! We really loved doing this. We used the text to support us and tried to label what we had drawn. We then shared this with a peer 🙂

Storytelling Week 2024 📚✨

To celebrate Storytelling Week 2024, Crew MW enjoyed many stories, discussions about stories and even a pyjama day! During crew, we discussed what our favourite stories were and then tried to guess the story based on a description from Miss McGlone. We were able to recognise all the stories apart from one – The Magic Porridge Pot, so we decided that at snack time we would listen to that story to familiarise ourselves with it! We noticed that porridge was a familiar theme as we have been looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears in expedition too! We’ve been working hard on the stories we hear in expedition by using props to act the story out, as well as being able to work on our retelling skills.

On pyjama day, Keenan brought in a copy of his favourite story – Finding Nemo, so we enjoyed listening to it whilst snuggled in our pyjamas. We really love stories and we listen to a different story every day, sometimes more than one!