CPS attendance is back up again! 🙌

Yay! Our attendance is on the up! Yesterday we were back up to where we needed to be! We need to strive for 96/97% and yesterday we were back up at 96%!

Keep this up 🙌 Keep on coming to school. Not many days left until half term and a well earned break. 👍

Attendance Monitoring

The Admin Team and Leaders are still keeping a close eye on attendance. Today was our lowest yet with 7% of pupils missing school today. This does not include anyone isolating due to COVID-19. This was mainly due to colds and not feeling themselves etc. Children have missed so much of their education already due to Covid and unfortunately may still end up missing more this year..

So please ensure that for the time being, you send your child to school even if they have a cold (as long as their temperature is ok..).

It’s important that children only lose 6 days absence due to Non- Covid related absence like we used to say…

We will be sending out the attendance slips next week so you can see which category your child’s attendance is hitting at the minute. Please remember this does not include Covid related absence whereby family members have had to isolate due to being with someone who has tested positive. Thank you to parents for sending in screen shots of test results etc to show that their child is off for a genuine reason linked to Covid.

As a school, we need to be seen to be encouraging good attendance as we would normally and hope that today was just a little blip. I hope to have our attendance back up to where it needs to be tomorrow.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation at this time.


Be Kind ❤️

Today is WMHD. We did lots of work around this yesterday with the children in school. But we have also linked our HoWLs work to it too. Over the last week or so, the children and staff have been really thinking about our HoWL ‘Be Kind’ both to ourselves and others.

As part of this work, Leaders tasked children to come up a with with a way that they are going to ‘be kind’ within their local community. This way, we can begin to discuss what it ‘looks like, feels like and sounds like’.

I received a cup cake from Crew Elmer who shared that this was to thank me for my hard work. Beaming with pride right now. It was such a lovely moment. It made me smile, feel proud of Crew Elmer and made me realise how delivering acts of kindness can have such an impact on people. It made me smile for the rest of the day. Thank you Crew Elmer.

Let’s keep being kind to each other. After all, that’s what ‘Crew’ is about. Keep an eye out to find out what your child’s Crew have completed as their act of kindness.

Handwriting superstars! ✏️

This really is the highlight of my week. I love chatting with the little ones and they are trying so hard with their writing.

Then the older ones come came along….

The first 5 minutes blew me away when Zane in Year 5 asked to read his work out loud to the rest of KS2. This is a young man who hasn’t always found concentrating easy at times. Just wow! 🤩

Then we looked at each other’s handwriting. I was impressed by the improvement by every single pupil.

But two pupils really stood out. This was Chloe in Year 3 as her handwriting looked like a year 4. And Darcey’s in Year 6. Darcey’s handwriting can be used by all classes now for our key stage 2 pupils to work towards. Great work girls 🙌🏻


You may have heard your child mention HoWL-opoly. This is where they get a spin on the wheel if they beat their previous weeks HoWL score for working hard, getting smart and being kind. There are lots of prizes on offer as can be seen below. One of them is for children to throw pies at the Headteacher. Two weeks ago two crews spun a 1! What are the chances! So this week, I had to take on the challenge… so much fun had by all. Praying no other classes spun a 1 this week. 🙏🏻 The children are working so hard 🥰 Keep it up guys and girls!



Parent Feedback ‘Mid Term’

I would just like to thank parents for their feedback. We had 36 responses which is great. We are going to work on your areas for development over the next week or so; Teachers will be working on this feedback and coming up with solutions to your questions (wherever we feel we can).

Please look out for our, ‘you said, we did’ document which we will be sent out before the October half term, sharing what action we have taken to further improve our school.

Thank you again 🙂

Our Handwriting Stars 🌟

I’ve just had the pleasure of looking at the books of these wonderful children and also Alex in Year 1. Her work is the work at the top. ☺️

They have been selected for cake and shake this week because they have made progress with their handwriting.

I have selected a couple of pieces that I would like all of our Year 3-6 pupils to aspire to over the next few weeks. I selected the work of Lily-Beth in Year 4 and Chloe in Year 6.

However, I loved seeing all of the beautiful work. The children are working so hard.


It was also lovely to be able to circle up and share some facts about ourself whilst enjoying our cakes. 🧁 A great start to my weekend. 🙌





Ofsted Interim/Covid Visit

I am writing to inform you that tomorrow, Thursday 1st October, Carcroft Primary School will be visited by two Ofsted Inspectors. I have taken this from the Government website which explains the rationale behind the visit.

Ofsted aims to tell parents, government and the public about how schools are managing the return to full education of their pupils, the majority of whom have not been in school for more than 5 months due to the impact of COVID-19. The visits, initially announced in July, will include schools of different types and of all Ofsted grades across England. Visits will be based around constructive discussions with the school or college leaders; they are not inspections, so will not result in a grade.

We will notify a school of the visit on the day before and talk about the practicalities of the visit – including any specific considerations related to COVID-19. Normally, 2 inspectors will visit a school for 1 day, when they will have collaborative conversations with school leaders.

On the visit, they will talk about any barriers that the school is facing in managing the return to opening fully, how pupils are getting back into expected routines and their behaviour, and the school’s safeguarding arrangements. Inspectors will also talk to school leaders about how remote learning fits into their wider curriculum plans. After a visit, the inspector will write a short letter, which will be published on our reports website.

The full link is here if you wish to read further. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ofsted-visits-to-schools-and-colleges-to-begin-this-month

The inspectors will not be visiting lessons, they will be meeting with myself, Miss Whitehead and Mr Tucker to discuss the areas outlined above. I feel that this will be an opportunity to showcase how amazing the Carcroft Community has been during the Pandemic and how we have worked in partnership in order to transition our pupils back successfully after 5 months of many not being in school; I am so proud. ☺️ 

The letter will be sent out to parents within 2 weeks of the visit and will be posted on the website. 😊

Miss Laing


Shake and Cake! 🥛 🧁

Meet our very first handwriting stars who have been chosen for producing some of the most beautiful work in their crew! It really is beautiful….

They came and spent some time with me, enjoying a milkshake, bun and a catch up!

I am really proud of all of them, they are working so hard!

Parent Feedback

Thank you to the 3 parents who have completed our survey. It’s great to receive some positive feedback but also some feedback to help us to gauge what parents are thinking in terms of what we need to improve. Next week, Leaders will look at the feedback and will work with their staff to put any issues right. 

I would be really grateful if a few more parents could complete the survey. It’s really short, just two questions, it will only take a couple of minutes but will help us to make our school better.

Thank you,

Miss Laing

Mid September Survey