On Friday afternoon, we were learning about different sentence types such as simple, compound and complex. This allowed us to build of our learning of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
On Friday afternoon, we were learning about different sentence types such as simple, compound and complex. This allowed us to build of our learning of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
This afternoon, we completed our grammar lesson about subordinate Clauses. We tried to sing along with the song to help us remember them before completing our tasks. We’ve been ensuring we are secure with our conjunctions before moving on to sentence types.
Today, we started to edit and redraft our recount from the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. This has been a skill we’ve been working on since September and we’re continuing to develop.
We looked at an example of someone’s work and went through the process of taking one sentence at a time so we’re editing/redrafting small chunks. This ensures that we are working with manageable chunks. After modelling, children had the opportunity to start editing/redrafting their own work. They worked on whiteboards so they could edit and rework their sentence before writing into their books. We will continue to work on this during the next couple of lessons.
Crew MW have been working hard on their writing skills today. After a visit from Goldilocks, they wanted to tell Miss Welburn how to make porridge like they did with Miss McGlone on Tuesday. They worked hard to build sentences together in a group and then to pinch their sounds using their Fred fingers and spell the words to make captions. We’re really impressed with the captions that they came up with!
Today we used our chotting from yesterday to complete a shared write and then we wrote the first chunk of PP2. We used some great similes to describe our feelings aswell as the thunder and lightning. A great writing lesson today in MI 🙂
In writing we had to sort the pictures into the correct order from watching a clip.
In LKS2, we have been having a huge push on presentation and ensuring we are producing work we’re proud of. Massive well done to Lylah and Bodhan who are setting the bar high in Crew Shields
Today we started our writing lesson sharing our edited and redrafted chunk 1 of plot point 1. We really loved reading this out loud to our peers and finding what we had used from our target grids. We then did some shared writing together where we edited and redrafted one of our crew members work. We really tried to include a range of adverbials along with varied conjunctions. After lunch we started to chot based on plot point 2. We came up with some fantastic ideas which will help us when we start to write this plot point.
Today, for our writing experience lesson, we tasted different exotic fruits including a mango and grapefruit. We then came up with different adjective sentences to describe the taste and texture, such as green fuzzy kiwi and pink tangy grapefruit.
After everything that the hedgehog has done for Carla, his one dream was being able to fly. We firstly had to use Percy the Park Keepers help to unwrap Carla from her washing line and then we watched her with the other animals (fox, badger, the two mice) flap her wings to fly.
We were so lucky that we got to fly with Carla and she helped us out after all we had done for her.