‘To have’ Verbs

Continuing in our mission to learn all there is to know about verbs, Crew Hamill began investigating ‘to have’ verbs. We learned that the β€˜to have’ verb shows when you own something or hold something. We played a game of Left Side/Middle/Right Side in which we had to run to the part of the room that had the correct verb. We then worked in mini crews to identify some verbs within sentences before completing our exit tickets independently.

We learned that:

Has is used when talking about 1 noun.
Have is used for more than one as well as with you and I.
Had is used to show the past tense.

Past or Present? To Be Verbs

In grammar, Crew Hamill have continued to learn about the ‘to be’ verb and understanding past and present. We had the Carcroft Time Machine to help us decide if given sentences were in the past tense or the present tense. We then used our knowledge to organise sentences into past and present tense.

β€˜To have’ verb

Today in grammar, we have been learning about the β€˜to have’ verb. We learned that the β€˜to have’ verb shows when you own something or hold something.

Has is used when talking about 1 noun.
Have is used for more than one as well as with you and I.
Had is used to show the past tense.

Common and Proper nouns

Last week, we had a reteach lesson on common nouns and Proper nouns as we still weren’t 100% confident. To start we sorted some words into groups to remind us that a noun is the name of a person, place or thing. We then completed an activity we’re we had to match the common noun with the proper noun. E.g. shop – Asda

Irregular verbs and verb phrases.

In our grammar session today, we deepened our understanding of verbs and learnt about irregular verbs. The root verb in irregular verbs change when writing it in the past tense. For example, the root verb β€œdrink” has to be β€œdrunk” when writing it in the past tense. We did lots of sorting activities where we sorted irregular and regular verbs. We also played bingo which we loved and can’t wait to play it next week!☺️

Collective and Partitive Nouns

Today, Crew Hamill took part in a range of activities in mini crews to consolidate our learning on collective nouns (that are used for a group) and partitive nouns (that are used to tell us how much of something we have). We began by playing one of our favourite games – corners – in which we went to a side of the room depending on whether the noun we were showed was collective or partitive. Following this, we worked in mini crews to organise a list of nouns into groups – one group of collective nouns and one group of partitive nouns. Our next activity was to match up the collective or partitive noun to the single noun it belonged to (e.g. flock of -> sheep). We then completed a kahoot! quiz which assessed our learning and completed an exit ticket to independently demonstrate what we had learned and could remember.

Common and Proper Nouns

To consolidate our learning on common and proper nouns, Crew Hamill took part in a practical grammar lesson. We began by playing corners. Miss Hamill showed us a selection of nouns on the board and we had to decide whether they were a common (general) noun or a proper (specific) noun that needed a capital letter. Once we had done this, we recapped looking at these nouns within a sentence and how we would decide which was which. Miss Hamill had disguised the capital letters to make it that little bit more tricky for us but we were able to work in mini crews to underline proper nouns and circle common nouns within the same sentence. We then took part in a kahoot! quiz to assess how much we had remembered.

Grammar continues in MI

Today we consolidated our learning on being verbs. We were introduced to this on Friday with Mrs Ibbotson and we had a further lesson to ensure we really understood the concept. We started the lesson by recapping past and present tense. We then voiced how different sentences could be past or present by highlight the verb β€˜to be’. We remembered that present tense verbs included am, are and is and past tense verbs use was and were. We then recapped singular and plural, thinking of our own examples and sharing these in mini crews before the whole crew. From here we moved onto pronouns replacing Mrs McClare with other pronouns and thinking about both males and females. We then thought about which pronouns can be singular and which are plural. We explored the β€˜you’ pronoun in more detail as we realised that this pronoun can be both singular and plural! We looked at different examples and discussed if the sentences were singular or plural, past or present. Our next few activities allowed us to consolidate all these concepts we had worked on. A really great lesson today πŸ™‚

A recap of nouns in MI

Super impressed with our nouns recap today! We played lots of short games to demonstrate our understanding of common, proper, collective and partitive nouns. We showed some great learning really showcasing what we have remembered over the last couple of weeks! I look forward to seeing how well you do tomorrow in your touch down! Great work MI πŸ™‚