This half term we have begun our next unit of writing, which we’re extremely excited about as it is going to be supporting us with our final product. Our genre is a type of monologue- a speech- focussing on ‘I have a dream for Doncaster’. We were immersed into the writing by watching example videos of monologues in films we love to obviously enjoy as the audience, but importantly build background knowledge and understand a purpose of speeches. We then participated in a conscience alley to reflect on our opinions of the pros and cons of Doncaster, as well as reflected on issues within our own community. We then backed this up with research our chosen dreams for Doncaster.

In grammar day, we consolidated clauses; we found the subject, verb and object within a clause. We also played punctuation bingo, which was a huge hit! This developed our knowledge and led us to today’s learning – Miss’ expectation of us using Y6 standard punctuation. We learnt about the purpose of colons and semicolons and made our very own sentences we could add into our introduction next lesson. The grammar refresh was definitely needed ready for progressing in our writing as well as ready for our grammar test next week.