LKS2 Hook Week

During our hook week, the children in LKS2 enjoyed learning about what plants needs to survive and of course the different parts of a flowering plant. They even planted their very own seed, we cannot wait to watch them grow.

We also learned about sustainability and shared the different ways that we can be more sustainable at school and at home. The children created some eye catching posters to remind others as well as making their own pledge. It was wonderful to see the children share their praises and notices for each other’s posters. The children were eager to share their ideas and they could explain how some small changes can make a big difference.

How do we see?

During our science lesson, the children learned that we are able to see because light reflects off non luminous objects and this is then sent to our eyes. When light reflects off an object, it bounces off at the exact same angle. To further develop learning, the crew made periscopes. They were able to explain how light enters the top wndow and hits the first mirror, this light is then reflected at a 45 degree angle down the periscope to the second mirror. The light bounces off this mirror into the eye.

Completing Crazy Circuits!

This week as part of our Expedition, ‘The Power of Life’, children have really enjoyed creating, exploring and investigating circuits in Crew Pashley. Initially, children were given the key components and left to work as mini crews to create a simple circuits. Some crew members were a whizz at this and completed it within record time! Throughout the week we then explored what happened when additional components were added such as multiple bulbs and multiple batteries. We also spent some time exploring conductors and insulators and the affect that they had on the circuit. Ask us about it and we will happily share our findings! Next week, we will be writing a report all about it!

Scientific report writing in MI

After completing one of our science investigations in hook week, we used our previous knowledge to write up the investigation in the form of a scientific report. Here are some examples of our work. We ensured we had a clear aim, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, equipment, a method, results and a conclusion. Some great writing MI 🙂

Hooking in to Expedition!

This week, Crew Welburn are hooking in to our new expedition! We are looking at the expedition ‘How do things grow and change?’ and we are starting with the case study, ‘How can I help my body to grow?’ We begun our day by thinking about foods that help us to grow and how healthy foods are good for our bodies. We did some taste testing of different fruits, made some delicious fruit kebabs and voted for our favourite fruit! We loved tasting all of the different fruits, but our most popular with 11 votes was grapes!

Crew MI- Science investigations

Last week, Crew MI learnt all about light. We investigated how light travels and learnt that it travels in straight lines. We explored what would happen if we blocked the light if we moved cardboard. Here are some of our fantastic science reports.

Crew MI- making a periscope

We had great fun learning about how light travels and how we can use a periscope to look around corners. We enjoyed exploring how light reflects off the mirrors into our eyes so we can see.

Being scientists in hook week 🥼👩‍🔬👨‍🔬

In our expeditionary learning we started to wonder about how we see and how light travels. We watched a variety of clips to understand the different parts of the eye, how they help us see and how these parts are similar to a camera. We even used pen torches (like a real nurse/doctor) to see how our pupils got smaller to let less light in.

We then took part in a scientific investigation where we explored the question, ‘How do we know that light travels in straight lines?’ We used given equipment to set up our investigation and worked well in mini crews, ensuring everyone had a role. After discussions and a debrief, we started to think about writing up our scientific reports and what we would need to include.

How do we see objects? You may just think its all down to our eyes but actually its light reflecting off objects into our eyes. We even explored green standard explaining how we see colour. Today we made our own periscopes to see around corners to further understand light and how we see.

Welcome back Crew MI

We started the day in crew discussing our Christmas holidays and it was lovely to hear the children sharing their highlights. We then practised our SLC’s ready for next week.

In maths we converted fractions to decimals and worked well collaboratively to support each other. The lesson really challenged our thinking but we all did a great job 🙂

In our expeditionary learning we started to think about how we see and how light travels. We watched a variety of clips to understand the different parts of the eye and how these parts are similar to a camera. We then took part in a scientific investigation where we explored the question, How do we know that light travels in straight lines? We used given equipment to set up our investigation and worked well in mini crews, ensuring everyone had a role. After discussions and a debrief, we started to think about writing up our scientific reports and what we would need to include.