Exploring carnivores, herbivores and omnivores

Today we were scientists and explored animal classification. We talked about how we can group animals by the food that they eat. We learnt that carnivores eat other animals and herbivores eat plants. Finally we learnt that omnivore eat both. We used our knowledge to complete another Venn diagram to show what we had learnt.

Animals and their Habitats 🐞🦔🐟

We began our lesson today by recapping habitats and then played a silent matching game to match the animals to their natural habitats. We then used our silent signals for agree and disagree to show our answers. This generated some fantastic discussions about how some animals had more than one habitat which we used later in the lesson.

We then used a Venn diagram to compare the different animals who lived in an urban habitat and a woodland habitat and discussed those such as foxes and hedgehogs which could live in both.

To finish our lesson and really challenge ourselves we tried to answer the question “Why wouldn’t you find a polar bear in the forest?”. Again this generated some good discussions and we used our previous knowledge of the basic needs to animals to help come up with a collaborative answer.

Great work everyone!

Yorkshire Water Lego workshop 🧱

Last week, year 5 took part in a fantastic workshop which consolidated their learning on their autumn expedition and also their expedition around the water cycle last year. The children then worked in groups to create a Lego bot which they then programmed using a computer so it would move on its own to deliver much needed water supplies. The children really enjoyed this but it was also great to see them all grappling and working collaboratively.

We are Scientists..🥼

Today we have had a look at what humans and animals need to survive.

We learnt that humans need – air, food, water, shelter, space and sleep.

We learnt that animals need – air, food, water and shelter.

We then organised wants and needs and learnt that we want things like game consoles, phones and toys but we need water and food.

The big reveal…

On Friday, we discussed as a crew what the guiding question could be for our Spring expedition based on the things we’d talked about and the activities.

We had some really good suggestions such as:

How can we save the world?

How can we save our planet?

How does climate change effect the planet?

How can we take care of our planet?

How does global warming effect animals?

Really impressed that children were able to suggest guiding questions similar to the one we’ll have.

Our guiding questions for spring will be:

Celebration of Learning🎉

During our celebration of learning, we were able to show our grown ups everything we have learnt during expedition this term. We shared our guiding question “Why should Doncaster remember the Romans?”. We then took it in turns to share what we had learnt in our 3 case studies (Geography, History and Science). Grown ups got the opportunity to look through our writing and expedition books to see our non-chronological report and diaries. We then shared our final product and had a browse through this. We are all really proud of how well this has turned out!

Exploring the weather

This morning, Crew MW took a little walk around the outdoor area of our school. We discovered that the frost had come! We explored the crunchy, frosty grass and then glittery frost on the tyres! We also found out that frost and ice makes everything a little bit slippery and we practised our skating on the tarmac under the climbing frame! When we walked around to the forest area, we also found that the water in the water tray had frozen 🥶 We talked about what will happen as the sunshine comes out and warms up the temperature, and we decided that the ice would probably start to melt.