Book Talk continues in Crew Elmer…

To begin today’s session we recapped some of the new vocabulary that we identified in lesson 1 of Book Talk such as, ‘override’, ‘pacing’, ‘vast’, ‘mesmerised’ and ‘observation’. We ensured that we all knew what the words meant and discussed how they had been used in the text by the author. We then worked with our partners to read the text. We took it in turns to read sentences/paragraphs/whole pages each. We listened and observed carefully so that we could critique how well our partner had used the punctuation such as commas and full stops in the text. We then went through some reasons to read together which required us to use our skimming and scanning skills to allow us to retrieve information from the text. We were fab at this! We then completed a true or false quiz based on what we had read. We then completed the session by listing 3 facts, 2 opinions and 1 question. Another great Book Talk session Crew Elmer! Well done!

Book Talk fun in Crew Hamill Y5/6

In Crew Hamill, first we recalled key information about the text. Then we enjoyed drawing illustrations to show what we thought the “contraption” looked like from the text we were reading. The children really thought about what they could use within their classroom to create their designs. We loved how Jake selected the bottom of a glue stick to draw the cog. Great idea Jake.

Wartime Organisation

This week we continued our history case study by starting to learn about the organisation of wartime. We learned there were 4 organisations that people belonged to which were: Armed Forces, the government, special operations and the home front. We discussed that regardless of which group people were part of that everyone played a vital role in the war effort. Children then took on the role of someone from the war and interviewed each other asking questions about when they weee born, where they were stationed and their role. This was an opportunity to practice our reading within our expedition lesson and support each other.

Among us – Vocabulary

In our book talk session, we started the session with a game of among us. Children were given either a word or the definition. They then had to find their match. We’ve been discussing the importance of understanding the vocabulary we read in a text as this helps us to comprehend the text and later apply this to our reasons to read. In addition, we’ve started to really read around the word to see if we can use the text to help us infer the meaning of a word.

Entry Ticket Drawing in Reading

In Crew Shields, Y3, Reading this morning we read a section of The Lion and the Unicorn and the completed our entry ticket. Our task was to draw the garden based upon what we read in the text. Our crew shared their drawings and we gave critique. We praised what we loved and how they could make them even better. Great HoWLs throughout today.

World War 2 visitor

On Tuesday, we were fortunate to have Time Travel Education come into school to learn about different aspects of World War 2. First, we were introduced to the beginning of the war and the key people: Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill. We learnt about the air raids and the role of the wardens. Then we had to opportunity to help get rid of the fire bombs that had been dropped. This required teamwork to keep everyone safe.

Evacuation was our next area to learn about. The children got to learn about the upheaved to family life to ensure the safety of the children. They packed their bags and were given an insight into rationing. We had a shop keeper and some customers who came to spend their vouchers. We’ll build on this later in the case study.

In the last session, we learned about how the Wardens would deliver first aid and met Ernie (dummy) who had become trapped in a building that had been blown up. Once we seen how to treat a broken femur, we had the opportunity to treat our partner for the same condition.

In between the sessions in the hall, we had access to boxes of artefacts which came with reading materials to help us learn about each one.

Our favourite one was as craft that had a map printed on it. Aircrew would wear this so that if their plane went down they’d have a map on them to help navigate their way to safety.

Reasons to read

During our book talk lesson, we have worked together to answer a range of questions. We focused on the importance of using the text to support us to answer the question. Some of our questions asked for evidence from the text and this was an area we will continue to develop as we more through this year. It was great to see the children working collaboratively and working to each other’s strengths.