Story telling in Crew MI 📖

Over the last two days, we have watched a clip about a man who loves beans. In fact, he loves them so much he got a job at the beans factory. The clip showed his journey through life: getting, married, having twins and inventing new cans for different occasions (beans for one, beans for two, snack). We then developed our inference skills and acted out the scenes from the clip- sharing our ideas and what we thought the characters were thinking and feeling.

Story Telling Week

We’ve had a lovely week exploring all of our favourite stories this week and challenging ourselves with riddles and story trivia. We really do know our stories well! I have been so proud of the children that have really tried hard to read at home each night too, Thomas has reached the top of our beanstalk so I wonder what little treat he will discover from our magic book box 📚

National Storytelling Week! 📖📚

Dear Parents/Carers, 

As you may be aware, this week the children and adults within school have been celebrating National Storytelling Week here at Carcroft Primary School.

Throughout the week the children have been participating in a range of engaging activities including sharing their favourite stories, listening to stories, taking part in drama activities and much more!

Tomorrow (Friday 2nd February) will be the last day of this fabulous week and as a celebration we are asking both children and adults to come to school in their pyjamas, lounge wear or general comfy clothes! Children will be exploring ‘bedtime stories’ as well as books for our older children that are perfect for reading as they drift off to sleep! 💤 Children are welcome to come to school in their dressing gowns but please can you also ensure that they have a coat as the weather is still a little chilly ❄. Children are also welcome to bring their slippers to school but will need sensible footwear to wear outside at break and lunch times. For this school event we will not be asking for any monetary donations.

We look forward to welcoming the children into school tomorrow in their pjs and celebrating the end of a successful Storytelling Week! 📚📖

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. 

Mrs Elmer 

English Lead

MI create their own story…

MI have been super busy creating their own story for the year 1 children. We are all so proud of the story we have created and well done to everyone in MI for contributing 🙂 Here it is…

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess called Abby. She had long blonde hair that looked like locks of gold. Her stunning blue eyes sparkled like diamonds and hypnotised anyone who came in front of her. Her kind and caring personality made her popular and her huge heart made her the most wonderful person ever! Rick had emerald green eyes but he was a poor man and struggled to survive. His hair was brown with hints of blonde and he longed to find his true love. His heart was sad because he had no other family. 

One day the princess was taking a stroll around the majestic lake when she came across a hideous, evil witch! All of a sudden, the witch grabbed the princess and dragged her into the forest. As they got deeper and deeper into the forest, the princess saw a dark cave in front of her. There was a dangerous shadow all around and she knew she was in trouble. The witch threw her into the cave and placed a spell on her meaning she couldn’t escape.
“Hahaha I have you now and you won’t ever escape!“ Cackled the witch in the scariest voice.
“Please let me go, I need to get back to my family.” Replied the Princess, crying as she spoke. 

A couple of days passed and Rick was busy chopping wood in the forest for his fire. Suddenly, there in front of him was an old lady who came over and spoke. She explained she had heard voices in the forest and wanted him to help. As the two walked deeper into the forest they heard a scream.
“What do you think that is?” Called the lady.
“I don’t know but let’s go and find out,” The man replied.

The two bolted as fast as lightning and came to the entrance of the cave. There in front of them was the disgusting figure of the witch. As quick as a flash the lady and witch started to battle against each other. Their long, sharp swords kept crashing against each others until the lady voiced a spell and this turned the witch into tiny particles that shot like a bullet into the sword. The witch was now trapped forever. 

The princess was also still trapped. Rick tried hard to break her free but the iron bars were just too strong. Rick looked into her eyes and knew he had fallen in love. The lady pointed her magical wand at the bars and soon the bars turned to ice. Another spell happened and suddenly the ice burned! The princess was now free!

Rick shouted, “Princess, will you marry me?”
“Yes I would love to,” She replied. “You have saved my life!”

The princess and Rick ran off into the sunset, making their way back to the Princess’ castle. They lived happily ever after together.

Non-chronological Reports

Yesterday we began to explore non-fiction writing. We are going to create our own non-chronological report all about hedgehogs as we have been learning about them in our expedition lessons. We stared by exploring the features of a non-chronological report such as headings and subheadings. We then worked in pairs to find out some of our own hedgehog facts to use in our writing later in the week.

Book Talk – The Last Bear

In our book talk lessons this week, we have been text marking the next pages in our book “The Last Bear” by Hannah Gold. The children really enjoyed finding out what happened after April and her dad received the official government letter. The children picked out lots of words they didn’t understand and we were able to discuss reading around the word to figure it out. Some children had used their grammar knowledge and found words with capital letters. They remembered that words starting with capital letters are nouns so Oslo is a place.