In our second book talk lesson this week, we focussed on reading the text and unpicking the vocabulary we didn’t understand. We picked out some great words such as “century”, “predicted”, “variety” and “enhanced”.

In our second book talk lesson this week, we focussed on reading the text and unpicking the vocabulary we didn’t understand. We picked out some great words such as “century”, “predicted”, “variety” and “enhanced”.
Today, Crew Hamill visited our library to change our reading for pleasure books. We loved being able to explore the range of different books available for us to choose. We then spent a relaxing 5 minutes in the library reading the books we had chosen.
Today, we had a full read of our text – How Silly! – and used Fastest Finger First and Have a Think to answer some quick fire questions about the book. We really enjoyed this book and found it very funny, especially when the farmer was trying to push a cow onto his roof! 🐮
This afternoon we completed our last geography lesson for this case study. We were using our reading skills to skim and scan information about Svalbard to find some key information.
We continued our book talk this week by text marking our non fiction text. We have used this as an opportunity to start making connections with the things we’re reading.
In our first book talk lesson this week, we started our new book “Guardians of the planet – how to be an eco-hero”. We started the lesson with jigsaw of the front cover. We really enjoyed completing this and seeing what we noticed about the book. We already had some amazing questions such as “why are there wind turbines on the front cover?” and “what impacts are we having on food and animals?”
On Friday, we started a new text which was a non fiction. This will help us build background knowledge for our expedition.
We made some predictions about what the text would be about and had some discussion questions to get us thinking about what we’d be reading.
Once we had an understanding of the type of text we’d be reading, we did some guided text marking.
Crew Shields have continued to enjoy storytelling week by having biscuits while listening to an audio book. We also had a change of scenery for our class read and went to the library.
Crew Hamill have had lots of fun during storytelling week. We have fully immersed ourselves in our class text and we are loving finding out what is happening between April and Bear (the polar bear). We have enjoyed a trip to the library and have had discussions about our favourite books and characters. Today, we ended storytelling week in our pjs and listened to an audiobook whilst having a sneaky biscuit treat! ☺️