KS1 Sports Day 2024 – Yellow Group

Although the sun wasn’t shining, yellow team oozed with warmth! Myself and Miss Burge were so proud of our team! From the youngest members who had not completed a sports day of this length to the oldest members who supported and encouraged them! We really did showcase the meaning of Crew!

Continuing our story

Yesterday, we put our pirate hats back on to explore the next part of our story – Pirates Love Underpants! We used our climbing, crawling and swinging skills to explore the island before crossing a bridge that was really high up with snappy crocodiles underneath! We were very brave! Afterwards, we talked about how we had moved across the bridge using our action lens and verbs, ready to write the next part of our story.

DT – Baking

Crew Hamill are working hard in DT lessons, learning everything they need to be able to cook and bake Mayan dishes ready for their presentation of learning. We started with our dessert – cupcakes! We’ve had a practice run at following the instructions and using the right amount of ingredients to create some vanilla cupcakes topped with buttercream!

Demo Comp – Non-Fiction

We’ve really enjoyed our non-fiction focus in our reading lessons this week and have been able to dive deeper into the world of the Mayans by working on some retrieval and vocabulary questions based on the text we have been reading: What happened to the Maya? We’ve recapped the key skills needed to answer this question type and will apply these in our independent written comp.