Crew Robson’s Christmas Reading Challenge

I have challenged all the children in Crew Robson to read 25 times before Christmas.

I will be checking book bags every Friday and children will update their bauble for every time they have read and had their reading record signed. If a child reads in school to an adult or accesses Chapter One this will also count towards their 25 reads.

Each child who achieves the 25 reads will receive a prize. They will also have their name put in the draw to win a box of Christmas goodies.

Happy Reading!

Writing in MI

MI have started their new writing/grammar unit looking at extinct animals. Over the last few days we have been taking part in a series of diagnostic tasks that are allowing us to digest lots of grammar that will be needed when it comes to writing our own non-chronological report. Today we thought about adverbials of time, manner and place along with identifying main and subordinate clauses. We moved our sentences around changing the order of the main and subordinate clause. We have added our anchor charts to our working wall which we will use when we start to write.


The last thing we needed to learn before moving on to our writing sessions was how to join two independent clauses together. We learned all about coordinating conjunctions, known as FANBOYS – for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so. We then worked through a few example sentences in which we had to identify which conjunction had been used. Once we’d identified this, we looked at the independent clauses either side of the conjunction. We identified each verb and subject, allowing us to see how we had two independent clauses with a subject and a verb joined together with one of the FANBOY conjunctions. We also learned that these conjunctions can be used to join more than one subject together to create a compound subject (for example, The moon and the stars).

Verb, Subject, Leftovers in paragraphs

Crew Hamill have tried really hard to develop their knowledge of verbs, subjects and leftovers by identifying them within paragraphs. We have been looking at unpunctuated paragraphs, with no capital letters, commas and full stops, and have used our knowledge of independent clauses having a subject and a verb to be able to work our where the punctuation belongs. We have found this tricky at times due to some of the vocabulary being difficult to understand but after working on it for a while, we are now much more confident!

Art in MI

We are really enjoying our art case study where we are working hard on our perspective drawing. This is something we have found very challenging however we are all showing great resilience. We have practised some of the skills many times to ensure we get things just right on our final piece.

The Diary of Anne Frank

Today in history, we explored the life of Anne Frank, a significant individual in WW2. Without her diary so much information would not have been shared with a wider audience. We can’t wait to discover more information about her time during WW2. In todays lesson, we looked at key events in her life and ordered these. We couldn’t believe she was able to hide from the Gestapo for 25months!

Remembrance Day 2024

Crew McGlone have spent time over the last week discussing why it is important for us to think about those people who helped and continue to help to keep our country safe, and thank them for everything they do. We created fork paintings of poppies that Miss McGlone put together into a wreath for our whole school Remembrance Day display.

We then also made our own poppies using apples and carrots to print with inside a laminating pouch. Once they were dry, they were put through the laminator and we have put them on our classroom windows.

Computing meets PVPG

Recently, we have been enjoying our computing lessons so much that the children are using AI(artificial intelligence) at home. It is so lovely to see this high level of engagement and even a couple of children have made story books (with the help of AI). It has now become a regular occurrence to read them as we walk down the corridor to break. With us hooked with AI, Miss thought it would be a good idea to incorporate this into our grammar application lesson. The children loved prompting AI to generate a short paragraph with no punctuation that they had to then identify the verb/verb phrase, subject, coordinating conjunction, leftovers and then punctuate to identify the main clauses. Obviously this was my favourite short paragraph!