LKS2 Beautiful work! 📝

LKS2 have created some Beautiful Work this week. We have been writing postcards, putting ourselves into the shoes of an evacuee. We really loved how the children used the vocabulary built up from our drama days to put into their writing. We noticed some great adjectives to describe their experiences. We loved how the children worked really hard to add feelings and emotions – these were great. The children have have critiqued each others work and edited; they have then made a best draft which they wrote up on to a postcard!

KS1 Historians become craftsmen for the afternoon!

KS1 children delved into the history the the crafts trade within the castle, creating their own clay pots. We explored the how the craftsmen used clay to create their own pots and fine wears for the Lords and Lady’s to feast from. It was not as easy as we thought to manipulate the clay as the craftsmen would have done in the medieval times with very little tools.

LKS2 Tuesday 🕵️‍♂️🕵️

We started the day off with another active Crew. This time, we worked on building up trust, talking clearly and encouraging our crew mates. We had to walk with our eyes closed and give instructions of where to walk. We then debriefed with our steps to success and our feelings during this time.

During maths, we continued to work on place value by consolidating what we already new about base 10 representations and actual numbers. We worked together to solve these and showed how much we have become smart over recent lessons!

Then, it was Expedition for the rest of the day. We continue to delve deeper into how war changes lives! We explored the lives of evacuees. We watched propaganda videos and discussed whether the children were as happy as they looked. We had a silent conversation to see what we noticed and wondered about evacuees. Finally, we studied what would have gone into an evacuees suitcase and when children began to be evacuated to the countryside.

LKS2 Monday 😃

The first two days of this week have been busy, but we’ve started the week really settled and with a great attitude to learn. We started the week off by drawing someone who is a friend to us as part of Crew, to put a smile on the faces of our friends.

During our Expedition, we have have continued to build up our knowledge of the Second World War. We completed a KWL to share what we already knew about this interesting period of history and asked questions about what we would like to know. We continued to act out the life of an evacuee with the book Bombs and Blackberries as we shared our performances with the Crew and critiqued them with praises. Lots of praise being for expression and performing in front of others!

LKS2 Wilderspin trip (2.9.22) 🇬🇧

LKS2 were transported back in time to the Second World War. The children entered the church at Wilderspin, dropped off their supplies and were ready to learn about the British home front. Churchill’s Carcroft Cogs demonstrated the British Bulldog spirit on the home front.

The groups were lucky to meet Betty, an ARP warden. She taught the children about the different groups that helped keep Britain safe during the Second World War and the threat of enemy raids, particularly from the air. We then were lucky enough to sort out scrap ready to aid our soldiers on the front line, check out the Anderson Shelter and then see the variety of gas masks. Keep an eye out for the baby gas mask!

In the other group, we had a particularly strict teacher leading us in class, checking on supplies and then protecting us through an enemy bombing. The children were not afraid though and displayed tremendous bravery, as sirens rang, bombs whistled and the air defences boomed.

LKS2s first day back! 😃

LKS2 started their new academic year by completing a Crew circle. During that, we all shared lots of lovely, happy stories of our summer holidays: this included time playing in the pool and wonderful sounding holidays!

After this, we then went onto complete some maths and started by chanting our multiplications without any hesitation or signs that we had had a summer break. What impressed me even more was our knowledge of place value, which we will continue to explore in the coming weeks.

Once we had some fresh air to keep our brains fresh, we then went onto to look at images and illustrations from our new book. We had so many brilliant incites into the images and shared lots of clever inferences. I think we’ll be just fine when we get further into the book after todays showing!

During the afternoon, we started to explore the Hook Week part of our new Expedition. We’re trying to guess what our Guiding Question could be and I am interested to see what else we come up with throughout the rest of the week. We do, however, know that we are looking into the Second World War, which definitely perked up our interest as we looked at images from the War and relating to it. We worked collaboratively to come up with wonders and notices about these images. Ideas given were ’where could the children be going on the train?’ and ’that is a gas mask used in dangerous situations’. It was great to see such enthusiasm straight away!

LKS2 Product(s) Launch 🎸🎵🍭🍬

Today, LKS2 launched their final products for both the Spring and Summer Expeditions. Thanks to our trusty sales people, they expertly sold our CDs for the Expedition Why should we protect our beautiful planet? They also were able to sell our sweets that we made for the Expedition answering Why is sugar not sweet? The sweets were freshly packed this morning and we hope that you enjoyed them!

A huge thanks goes to the many parents that turned up and were able to raise money for different charities. It was so cool to see and there were so many lovely vibes, smiley faces and excited children. We will inform you of the money raised in due course! Thanks also to Mrs Fox for taking photos of the event!

There are still plenty of CDs and sweets left that can be bought for £3 and £2 respectively, so be sure to grab yours!

UKS2 Thackray Museum Visit

Today has been a great day for UKS2 as we had the opportunity to explore the Thackray Museum. It was very interesting exploring life for people from 1840 and how that has changed in the present day. Some great discussions especially around how in 50 years time there will be children visiting the museum, who will learn about the covid pandemic.

As we walked round, we had a range of questions to answer in our pairs for each of the different medicine rooms that we entered. We had lots of reading to do in order to really understand how medicine has dramatically changed over the years. This meant our Work Hard and Get Smart HOWLS had to be secure so that we could be successful in our comprehension work!