Building our own castles

We became designers in our expedition lesson. We followed Miss Marsh’s instructions carefully to make our castles, then once they were finished we tested their strength using tennis balls.

We came to the conclusion that paper is not a suitable material for a castle and that stone is better because it is much stronger to withstand an attack from an enemy.

We are designers

Yesterday in our expedition lessons we became design technologists. We started by looking at different buildings around the world and shared our notices, praises and wonders. We then learnt about the architect James of St George who designed lots of castles in Wales.

Today we had a go at being an architect and designing our own castle wall. We decided it must have battlements, arrow slits and a small door so enemies will find it difficult to attack.

Tomorrow we are going to build and test our designs

Art begins in Crew MI

During hook week, we began to look at our artwork which will make up part of our final product. We researched our artist, who is inspiring our artwork, Henry Moore. We critiqued some of his artwork which was inspired by the Blitz in WW2 down in the London Underground. We discussed perspective, vanishing point and how to draw trees and buildings in line.

Crew McGlone family learning afternoon!

Thank you to the grown ups who joined us in school to take part in Crew McGlone’s first ever family learning afternoon! We had a great time working together to follow instructions to make sun-catchers. It was lovely to see so many people join us and the smiles on faces just made the whole afternoon worthwhile. We look forward to having our grown ups in school again soon!

Henry Moore – Artist

Hook week continued this week as we started to explore a local artist who does perspective drawing. This is what we’ll be focusing on in our final case study. Children worked together to research this artist before we critiqued some of his pieces of work.

Space Art

Crew Elmer have created some beautiful art work of the Sun and Moon.We have used a variety of skills and tools to produce these, including dabbing of a sponge and flicking of a toothbrush to create different elements of our image.

Blasting into immersion week

This week we have engaged with a range of tasks in order to guess the title and guiding question for the expedition. We have been scientists by exploring our solar system, naming and ordering planets, learning all about forces and to top it off going in the wonder dome, which deepened our understanding. We also painted some beautiful art work of the Sun, Earth and Moon. We researched the artist Andy Warhol, which inspired us to create images with similar techniques and relate to outer space. We used a variety of skills and tools in order to produce these including the use of varying brush strokes, dabbing of a sponge and flicking of a toothbrush to create different elements of our image.