A great start to the day in Crew MI, we tried creating a human alphabet! Some great communication and team work this morning!

A great start to the day in Crew MI, we tried creating a human alphabet! Some great communication and team work this morning!
Today we thought about and discussed how we can resolve conflict within a friendship. We thought about different friendships and the times we have fallen out. We discussed how we resolved the conflict and the different ways we can solve problems. We then looked at a variety of scenarios and thought about what we would do in the different situations. Some great discussions this morning 🙂
Today in Crew, we completed a kids vs adults DannyGo to get our bodies moving. All the children enjoyed working as a team vs Miss Pashley and Mrs Brown.
This morning, Crew Hamill took part in a Crew Challenge in which they had to work in mini crews to create the tallest, free-standing tower using their shoes. They worked together to stack their shoes in order to create towers. Can you see which mini crew made the tallest tower?
During our crew session this morning, we explored a variety of statements thinking about if they are true, false or both true and false. We worked well in mini crews to discuss our ideas. We then watched a clip that explored speed in more detail. We had some great discussions this morning 🙂
This morning in crew, we looked at a story called ‘Topsy and Tim help a friend’. We paused the video to look at the different actions each character carried out and discussed whether they were kind choices, or unkind choices. Here were some of the things we talked about…
What were the unkind children doing?
They tripped the boy up! – Emma
Then they laughed at him when he fell down – Harlow
They threw his bag – Araya
They were bullying him! – Kingsley
Because they did lots of unkind things, not just one and it made it made him sad – Hilaryanna.
They tricked him! – Alyssa
What did Topsy and Tim do to help?
They told the grown ups – Elsie
Then the grown ups talked to all the children. The boy was kind then and he said sorry – Max
We learnt a lot about kind and unkind actions from this story!
Today in crew we thought more about what bullying is and the different types. We thought about the impacts of it and how bullying influences a persons life and well being. We then looked at and discussed a variety of scenarios with our partner before sharing them with the whole crew and thinking about the impact of each situation. It was a very interesting discussion and opened our eyes a little more to the impact of bullying.
This morning’s crew challenge was to work in a mini crew to build the tallest tower! We decided to use our blocks from the small world area and to work in teams of boys and girls to create the towers. We worked hard to make sure everyone was included and to build the tallest, strongest towers!
In Crew Marsh the children have really embraced working in small groups during their break and lunchtimes. They have been working on lots of different skills, some new and some previously shown in PE lessons. This varies from dancing and balancing, to target throws and tennis games. It has been great to watch the children grow in confidence and now start to set up these activities themselves, showing great teamwork throughout. We always end our break time by joining one long line and doing the ‘conga’ to collect all of our equipment around the playground before heading back inside. I can’t wait to see what other exciting activities are coming up!
Today in crew we started to think about world kindness day. We worked in mini crews to think about what extra little things we could do throughout the day. We also kick started anti bullying week where we showed the rest of the crew our odd socks.