It has been lovely finding out what children have been working on across school. Well done to all the children who have shared their beautiful work with me over the last 2 weeks. Some fantastic work 🙂
More amazing art in Crew Thompson 🎨🖌️
Today we have listened to critique and feedback and redrafted our first piece. We have worked on the first section by making sure we have the right blue tones blended out into pinks. It was hard to master but there has been some amazing improvements so far. The children have worked really hard to follow the critique given.
Super Scotties session
In Scotties this week, we worked on our communication and listening skills. We worked as part of a team to get to the enemy without being seen. We did a great job of this as it did get quite tricky at times remembering who was going next. At the end of the session, we timed each team to see who was the quickest. We can’t wait for the next Scotties session!
All about art 🎨🖌️
What a fantastic start to our art slice Crew Thompson have made. We are aiming to use water colour to create a background for our calendars. Today we have made a start on practicing the techniques we are going to be using such as: flat wash, graded wash, wet on wet, splatting and lifting off. It has been really important to practice these skills because we will be using these in our final piece. We are super excited to use these skills in our first draft next week.
Music – Crew Hamill, Crew Shields and Crew Thompson 🎶 ✨ 🎄 🎅🏼
This morning we have been perfecting our Christmas performance songs. We have been looking at making sure we are singing in time to the beat, adding in body percussion where needed, and getting the lyrics absolutely spot on! It is sounding really beautiful – we just need to keep practising our lines at home so that the whole performance really comes together ready for next week!
We finished off by continuing to learn how to play the recorder. We applied our knowledge of the notes B and A and put them into a short piece of music. We clapped out the rhythm before adding the instruments. Great work! 🎵
Celebration of Learning🎉
During our celebration of learning, we were able to show our grown ups everything we have learnt during expedition this term. We shared our guiding question “Why should Doncaster remember the Romans?”. We then took it in turns to share what we had learnt in our 3 case studies (Geography, History and Science). Grown ups got the opportunity to look through our writing and expedition books to see our non-chronological report and diaries. We then shared our final product and had a browse through this. We are all really proud of how well this has turned out!
It’s a busy week this week – dates for your reference.
Team building in Scotties
This morning, Crew Thompson were very lucky to have Scotties Heroes. First, we played a blindfolded game of collect the cones. We worked in mini crews and had to make sure we gave clear instructions for our partner to follow. We had to make sure we were listening to the instructions carefully and used the directions given. Next, we went into the forest and tried to get through the string maze. It was really good fun and we can’t wait to try and do this blindfolded next time!
🎄oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree 🎄
Exciting times ahead in Crew Thompson! 🎄 We are introducing a new reading incentive. Each time you read at home you get to go up the Christmas tree. First one to the top of the Christmas tree will get a huge chocolate Santa! Everyone else that reaches the top will get a mini chocolate Santa! Let the reading commence! 📚🎄
Super shadow puppets! 🔦
In expedition this afternoon we investigated how shadows change. First, we made our own puppets. Then, we started our investigation. We wanted to find out what happened when we moved the object closer or further away from the light source. We found out that when the object is closer to the light source, the shadow gets bigger. When the object is moved further away from the light source, the shadow gets smaller.