Ice Age The Meltdown – Experience Day 💦🦣

Today, we were super excited to start our new writing block! We found out we were writing a narrative based on the film Ice Age The Meltdown ❄️🧊 We started our experience day by looking at snapshots from the film and chotting what we could notice, any actions that were happening and what the character may be feeling. After that, we watched part of the film to familiarise ourselves with what happens. We really enjoyed this and it showed us exactly what we would be writing about. Next, we sequenced pictures from the film to see if we could remember the order which it happened. We really enjoyed this and had some great discussions about how Ellie the Mammoth being stuck in the cave could not come before the water escaped the dam. We are really excited to start writing this narrative!💦🦣

French – Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin 🇫🇷

We have started to work on our next unit of learning in French – Numbers and Age! We began by being given a maths calculation, only it did not have digits, the numbers were written in words… French words! We had to work together to recognise any cognates or near cognates that might help us to work out the English definition. We managed to work out the French for 6 and 3 and then used this information to decide what 1, 2, 4 and 5 were. It was a little tricky as some of the French equivalents are nothing like the English but we managed it eventually!

We then embedded our understanding by playing a game where Miss McGlone said a number in French, we had to hide our fingers and once she said un, deux, trois, allez we then revealed our fingers. We were successful if we held up the matching amount of fingers to the number called out. This helped us with our listening skills.

To improve our pronunciation skills, we then played a board game where we had to roll a dice on the iPad. We then moved our playing piece the same amount of spaces only we had to count out loud in French. As an extra task, if we landed on a space where there was a colour splat, we had to say the colour in French. If we got it correct, we earned an extra turn to throw the dice! The winner was the one who arrived in the centre space first.

French – Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin 🇫🇷🖼

We looked at the artwork of the French artist, Matisse and talked about how he uses colour and shape to create abstract pieces of art. We looked at some of his pieces based on animals and decided to create our own piece of Matisse-inspired artwork… with a twist! So that we could create our piece, we had to work with a partner to ask them in French for certain shapes, but we were only allowed to use 6! We had to include information about the size, shape and colour we needed. Some of us even challenged ourselves by saying ‘I would like…, please’ and ‘thank you’ in French too!

Once we had finished, we did a gallery walk around the classroom to view the pieces created by the rest of our crew. We shared praises and notices whilst we were moving around the room. Take a look at some of our finished pieces! ✨

Similarities and differences 🌎

This afternoon in our expedition lesson, we researched Svalbard and the UK to find information such as population, weather/seasons, agriculture and education. We then sorted the pictures into our Venn diagram to show the similarities and difference of the human and physical features of the UK and Svalbard, Norway. We were then able to unpick why these similarities and differences might occur. We came up with some great reasons such as “the climate in Svalbard is colder because it is closer to the North Pole” and “there are physical features such as glaciers and icecaps which the UK doesn’t have”

Recycle, recycle, recycle ♻️

Today, we were super lucky to get the opportunity to explore the household waste centre in Carcroft. We were super eager to see if we could put everything we had learnt into practice and remember how we recycle different items. We found it super interesting and loved watching the JCB digger in action! Today was a fantastic experience and we are definitely recycling experts now!

Book Talk – The Last Bear

In our book talk lessons this week, we have been text marking the next pages in our book “The Last Bear” by Hannah Gold. The children really enjoyed finding out what happened after April and her dad received the official government letter. The children picked out lots of words they didn’t understand and we were able to discuss reading around the word to figure it out. Some children had used their grammar knowledge and found words with capital letters. They remembered that words starting with capital letters are nouns so Oslo is a place.

Geographical Zones 🌎🗺

This afternoon, we continued our expeditionary learning by looking how the earth is split into 7 geographical zones. We found out the 7 zones are: Equator, North Pole, South Pole, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. With our new found knowledge, we labelled a map with the zones.