Roman Settlements

Over the course of 2 lessons, the children studied maps that gave them information about where the Romans settled. They then used information around the room to help them annotate their map with information about why the Romans settled in spectating places. For instance they settled in Londinium (London) because they could transport people and goods on the river Thames.

Note B ♩

In Year 3/4, we continued our musical journey to learn the recorder and practised playing the note B in multiple ways to create a melody. We looked at how some notes only last for one beat (crotchet) and how others last for two beats (quavers). Using these different notes, we were able to play 2 short pieces of music and eventually performed these without Miss McGlone’s help! Even our learning coaches are learning something new and playing their own recorders alongside us! Great work everyone! ✨

Creating sound effects for The Pink Panther theme tune 🎶

We began by discussing the character and mood of the music – we agreed that it was mysterious and sneaky. We then thought about how the dynamics and timbre gave the piece a certain feel and said that the way the composer used short, quiet sounds and then long, loud sounds really matched the action of the cartoon.

We watched a video that showed us how sound effects can be made for cartoons and identified that not only can instruments be used, but body percussion could also be used to give an action more meaning.

Using untuned percussion instruments and body percussion, we watched a short clip of the opening sequence and began to think about the sounds that could be used to match the action on screen.

Crew Shields Praise!

A huge well done to Crew Shields this week.

We’ve had lots more children reading at home and almost everyone has returned their homework which means I’ve been able to give out lots of raffle tickets. In addition, nearly everyone has scored 7 or more out of 10 on their spelling test. You’ve smashed it this week! Keep it up!

Academic Crew

This morning in crew, we kicked off our academic crew by looking at the presentation in our maths books. We have discussed the importance of producing work they are proud of and what to do to achieve this.
Children took part in a gallery walk so that we could generate some praises and wonders. I was really impressed with the things the children came up with and shows they have been taking on board the feedback verbally shared over the last few weeks.

Happy Birthday Roald Dahl 🥳

Today, we celebrated Roald Dahl. An author we’ll all be familiar with and no doubt spent time reading his wonderful books.

I shared an extract of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which is my favourite Roald Dahl book. We learned about his life and discovered that he invented a medical device which he gave to the NHS for free. A device still used to help lots of people.

Children were then able to choose an activity related to Roald Dahl. They could do some mindful colouring of quotes by Roald Dahl, acrostic poems, design a new front cover for their favourite book or design a sweet as if they were Willy Wonka.

Strength and speed

Today the children had a Scotty’s session and Mick definitely put them through their paces. Children had to work in mini crews to either flip huge tyres, carry one, drag a tyre and also drag a casualty to safety. We even had a group doing steps ups while containing a box of tasmanian devils. Some great team work demonstrated today.

Number lines

Yesterday in maths, we were looking at number lines. We learned how important it was to work out what the number line is going up in so that you are able to accurately complete it. Some of us found this a little tricky but we didn’t give up. It was lovely to see some of the crew supporting their peers when they became stuck.