Scotty’s – team work

In Scotties we were working on our listening skills and our ability to work with a partner. It was essential that we listened to instructions so that we could keep each other safe. Lots of sore muscles the following day after all those squats.

French – Crew Shields

Today we have been looking at how to identify someone’s hair and eye colour. We talked about the difference in using either a masculine or feminine spelling/pronunciation of a word before looking at different translations of hair colours. We had a discussion about how the French language translates into a different order than the order we are used to speaking. For example, we would say that someone has brown eyes, however, in French it would translate to say that someone has eyes brown. Once we had mastered the French way of constructing sentence, we turned our detective skills on and managed to translate certain sentences to match the description with the corresponding picture.


Today, we have been writing PP4 of our writing. We have had to spend time practicing how to compose sentences that make sense as well as how to use the chotting to support our writing.

Text marking / Book talk

During our last 2 lessons in reading, we have been familiarising ourselves with text marking. This is a skill we are teaching and guiding the children with as it is important children can text mark in a way that will support their understanding.
This is a skill we will continue to develop during the Autumn term with the aim that children will be more independent in the Spring term.

Celebrating good attendance

Crew Shields got to celebrate their food attendance last week by having extra playtime. Some of the children chose to play football while others played tiggy tyres maths. If they fell off the tyres then they were asked a maths questions. Great fun had by all.