Children explored the uniform that Roman soldier were expected to wear on a daily basis. To ensure we’d been paying attention we had a quick test at the end of the lesson to see if we could label an outline of a soldier.
Children explored the uniform that Roman soldier were expected to wear on a daily basis. To ensure we’d been paying attention we had a quick test at the end of the lesson to see if we could label an outline of a soldier.
This morning it was time to reflect on the presentation in our maths books. We discovered some positives but unfortunately this isn’t consistent across all books. We will be really thinking about presentation after half term to ensure we can see improvement.
Yesterday, the children had the opportunity to undertake some role play to help them understand the different aspects of a Roman soldiers life. This meant that were were able to provide more vocabulary when competing our chotting.
Massive well done to the children that attended the football tournament at Campsmount yesterday afternoon. Despite it pouring rain on us all afternoon, the children gave it 100% effort. Even though we didn’t win, we have discussed the importance of taking part and trying our best.
This week we have been looking at how sound effects are made for cartoons and films. We talked about the ways in which different sound effects are applied usually after something has been filmed and then added to enhance certain noises. We thought about how we could create our own storyboard of something funny happening and how different sound effects could give those moments a ‘slap-stick’ feel. We also started thinking about instruments or objects in the classroom that might be able to make that sound.
During recorders, we were introduced to the note A. We looked at where we need to place our fingers before practising call-and-response style activities with Miss McGlone, playing different rhythms of the note A. We then took our new knowledge and played a piece called ‘Amazing Aeroplane’. ✨
Today, we have started to look at our new unit of writing which will be a diary of a Roman soldier. We will have precious learning to pull from as well as a video stimulus.
We watched the video and discussed the daily routine of a soldier. Children were then asked to plan a light meal for the camp if they were on duty that morning. We had suggestions such as cornflakes, porridge, fry up and pancakes. We discussed the likelihood of these and decided it would have most likely been meat, bread and cheese.
Then we took part in early morning march so we could hear announcements and be issued their job role for the day. We’ll need a bit of work on being able to march in unison. 😂
Finally, they were issued with jobs and then discussed what this job would entail and whether they’d be happy to do it. No surprise the children who would have been cleaning the latrines said they wouldn’t want that job.
Next lesson, we’ll use the feelings, checking, action and imaging lenses to chot some ideas which will support our writing.
This week in PE we have been working on our fitness. There were four stations for the children to work in and they had a minute in each one. Lots of sweaty and exhausted children by the end of it.
This afternoon we took some time to go to the library to change our books but also to use our beautiful space to read. Nothing better then enjoying a snack while reading a good book.
During this weeks multicultural focus we have had a go at speaking Italian. We shared our feelings on Italian and then used a video to help us say foods. I have to say I was rather impressed with some of their pronunciation.
This week we have been learning about Italy with it being multicultural week. This also fits in with our expedition because it’s allowed us to explore the country in more detail and discover things such as their food and language.
We really enjoyed learning about the famous dances which believe it or not came about because of someone being bitten by a tarantula.