Human and Physical features

Yesterday afternoon, we looked in more detail at the physical and human features of the UK. It was lovely seeing all the natural beauties we have in the UK. Once children has sorted them, we did a gallery walk to see if we agreed with the grouping of others.

Book Talk – Non Fiction

On Friday, we started a new text which was a non fiction. This will help us build background knowledge for our expedition.

We made some predictions about what the text would be about and had some discussion questions to get us thinking about what we’d be reading.

Once we had an understanding of the type of text we’d be reading, we did some guided text marking.

Yr 4 – Editing/redraft

Today, we started to edit and redraft our recount from the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. This has been a skill we’ve been working on since September and we’re continuing to develop.

We looked at an example of someone’s work and went through the process of taking one sentence at a time so we’re editing/redrafting small chunks. This ensures that we are working with manageable chunks. After modelling, children had the opportunity to start editing/redrafting their own work. They worked on whiteboards so they could edit and rework their sentence before writing into their books. We will continue to work on this during the next couple of lessons.