Citizenship crew in MI

Today we thought about why we have laws and what can happen if we break the law. We began by thinking about what we already know about the law in our country and what these laws do. We then looked at some of our British laws and we discussed in mini crews how they help and protect British citizens. We then moved onto thinking about consequences and what consequences there may be for people that break the law. We looked at a variety of pictures where people have made bad choices. We discussed the consequences that may have been in place. Finally we closed our eyes and imagined what the world would be like without any laws. We voiced one word to describe our thoughts and shared our feelings with the whole crew.

Citizenship crew in MI

This week in our citizenship crew we discussed what a community is and what it means to belong to one. We thought about our school community, who is part of it and how each person contributes. We thought about the term ‘community spirit’ and what it means to us. We then worked in mini crews to explore some images of a community. We thought about what is happening in each picture, how the people are contributing to the community and how the people are showing ‘community spirit’. In our debrief we thought about how we all could positively contribute to our communities and we made our own pledges. A great session crew MI 🙂

Art continues in MI

Today we continued our art slice by consolidating our sketching techniques. We experimented with different pencils and tone then practised some different sketching techniques like hatching and cross hatching. We then applied the techniques we had practised to a drawing. This drawing was a Christmas tree and one we will be using in our final piece for our calendar.

MI start their art slice

Today we started our Christmas art slice. We started by thinking about the types of paint that can be used in art. We then thought about when we use each type and we explored a range of pictures. We thought about the look the paint gives, the colours that are used along with the techniques. We also offered our own critique based on the pictures. We were then introduced to the artist we will study for this art slice- Vincent Van Gogh. We watched a clip and built background knowledge before creating a class anchor chart. We then looked at a variety of Vincent’s work thinking about what we can see, how the art makes us feel, the techniques that have been used and we thought about what Vincent was trying to express. Our exit ticket allowed us to find different people in the room, voicing facts about Vincent.

Our second lesson allowed us to explore and experiment with different acrylic techniques. We watched a clip to help guide us through the techniques then we thought about Vincent’s art work and the techniques he used. We evaluated each technique thinking about which were reasonably straight forward and which proved a little more difficult. Finally our exit ticket allowed us to offer critique for improvement to others.

Caring crew in MI

Today we thought about and discussed how we can resolve conflict within a friendship. We thought about different friendships and the times we have fallen out. We discussed how we resolved the conflict and the different ways we can solve problems. We then looked at a variety of scenarios and thought about what we would do in the different situations. Some great discussions this morning 🙂