Well done to Ellie and Lacey in crew MI for their great performance this afternoon 🙂 Crew MI were super proud of you both. You have worked so hard over the last 6 weeks at the lunch time acrobatics club! We can’t wait to see the next one 🙂

Well done to Ellie and Lacey in crew MI for their great performance this afternoon 🙂 Crew MI were super proud of you both. You have worked so hard over the last 6 weeks at the lunch time acrobatics club! We can’t wait to see the next one 🙂
What a lovely morning it was singing Christmas songs with our peers to our parents, carers and loved ones. We really enjoyed our carol concert and came back into crews in such high spirits. Thank you to everyone that joined us this morning and well done to everyone in year 5 and 6 for their great efforts. We are all now feeling very festive 🙂
Today we looked at how we plot coordinates and then applied our knowledge to a festive coordinates activity! We really enjoyed this!
Today we wrote our second plot point continuing our Christmas setting description. We have all really loved this piece of writing where we have tried hard to use expanded noun phrases, similes, conjunctions and adverbials across both plot point one and plot point two. Great work MI 🙂
Today in our caring crew we discussed the importance of respectful relationships. We thought about times where others may have not shown respect for us personally and how this made us feel. We then watched a clip all around respect. We stopped the clip at different points and discussed what was happening. We were really shocked with how the clip ended and it really made us think about what had actually happened. We discussed what we would do if we saw things happening in the clip and then thought about times where we had seen others not showing respect. It was great to just voice our ideas and listen to the stories of others. In our debrief we went back to our guiding question of ‘Why should I respect other people?’ we discussed this again, offering our thoughts and opinions. A great crew session 🙂
Today we finished our art slice and I am incredibly proud of every member of MI. We found this piece of art extremely challenging however we showed great resilience and continued to keep going. We have really developed our skills around critique, giving others feedback that can then be used to improve their work. We gave some great praises, notices and wonders which has helped us with our final piece. The improvements we made after practising different parts of the picture were incredible and we learnt that art takes lots of time, dedication and commitment. We learnt that taking our time is key and that this is ok. We look forward to our next art slice and continuing to build on the skills we have developed during this piece. Well done everyone, I am super proud of your final pieces.
It has been lovely finding out what children have been working on across school. Well done to all the children who have shared their beautiful work with me over the last 2 weeks. Some fantastic work 🙂
Today we continued with our Christmas writing where we used a variety of pictures to help us to chot adjectives, expanded noun phrases and similes. We showed some great collaborative working in mini crews, listening to each other and offering ideas. We then used our ideas in our shared write before applying to our own work. Unfortunately our presentation of work was not to the best standard today so we all worked hard to rewrite our work ensuring we thought about our letter formation, taking more pride in our work. We were proud in the difference in our work and now we all look forward to writing our second plot point.
Today we have practised some of the images that we will apply to our final pieces. We used some of the acrylic techniques that we looked at last week as we practised. We then gave our partner some critique based on their images. We then had a further practise where we applied the critique we had been given to improve our work. This really helped us with our Christmas trees for our final draft! There were some great praises, notices and wonders given out today that really made us think about how we can make our work better. We look forward to using our critique and adding it to our next draft.
Today we completed a grammar lesson on similes that will support us when writing our Christmas setting description. Some great ideas and many of us pushed for green standard today 🙂