Challenge Crew🛫

Yesterday was a successful crew session, it was the first challenge crew where every child applied what they have learnt in other crew sessions around team work, such as respectfully disagreeing, valuing everyone’s opinion, compromising and communicating. They blew me and Mrs Rhodes away! Keep it up Crew!

Shout out to Crew Mcloughlin Arithmeticians

I am so proud of my arithmetic superstars! Everyone in Crew Mcloughlin has improved on their arithmetic score since our first test in week 3; not just by the odd mark either! You have ALL blown me away but in particular a big shout out to Layton, Ava K, Keaton and Kaitlynn for improving 10 marks plus!!! Keep up the great progress! Exciting times ahead for our Y6 mathematicians!

Mindful Monday 🥰

This morning, we reflected on how to support our family and how they support us. Each member of the Crew wrote a postcard acknowledging their gratitude for a special someone for all that they do. Hopefully, there were lots of family members with a smile upon their face this afternoon receiving one of these special thank yous ☺️

French – Crew Mcloughlin

This week we extended our knowledge on French greetings and discuss a range of greetings to use throughout the day. Once we were secure, we got creative and drew our own pictures to represent certain times of the day. Our partner then had to guess the correct French phrase to match our picture. We then played a game of 3,2,1 Show Me. Miss McGlone showed us an image on the board and we had to write the French greeting on our whiteboards before being counted down to reveal our answers!

An unbe-leaf-able science lesson! 🪴

In science this week we were very interested to learn about the difference types of plants and explored their characteristics. On our tables, we explored ferns, conifers and flowering plants. We then dissected a flowering plant and narrated the parts of a flower. Some of us even challenged ourselves to green standard to become successful at the end of the lesson and made our own classification key to classify the plants. Great work Crew Mcloughlin, we have budding scientists in the making!