Today, we had a full read of our text – How Silly! – and used Fastest Finger First and Have a Think to answer some quick fire questions about the book. We really enjoyed this book and found it very funny, especially when the farmer was trying to push a cow onto his roof! 🐮
Celebrating beautiful work
It was lovely to see some of the beautiful work that is taking place across school. These children shared their beautiful work with their peers and offered some lovely praises to one another. Well done everyone 🙂
Fun day in Scotty’s
Crew Haddock, Crew Pashley and Crew Hamill enjoyed their fun day on the in Scottys today
E-Safety Day
Inspiring change 🌎 making a difference and a positive difference to the online world 🌎
Storytelling Week 📖📚
Crew Hamill have had lots of fun during storytelling week. We have fully immersed ourselves in our class text and we are loving finding out what is happening between April and Bear (the polar bear). We have enjoyed a trip to the library and have had discussions about our favourite books and characters. Today, we ended storytelling week in our pjs and listened to an audiobook whilst having a sneaky biscuit treat! ☺️
Parts of a Computer 💻🖥️⌨️
Yesterday, Crew Hamill were learning about the different components of a computer. We were able to recognise and name the parts of a computer, using subject specific vocabulary: buttons, desktop, laptop, mouse, keyboard, computer and monitor. Following this, we used some computer software called Sketchpad to design a laptop, ensuring we created each of its individual parts – the screen, the keyboard and the mouse.
French – Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin 🇫🇷
We have started to work on our next unit of learning in French – Numbers and Age! We began by being given a maths calculation, only it did not have digits, the numbers were written in words… French words! We had to work together to recognise any cognates or near cognates that might help us to work out the English definition. We managed to work out the French for 6 and 3 and then used this information to decide what 1, 2, 4 and 5 were. It was a little tricky as some of the French equivalents are nothing like the English but we managed it eventually!
We then embedded our understanding by playing a game where Miss McGlone said a number in French, we had to hide our fingers and once she said un, deux, trois, allez we then revealed our fingers. We were successful if we held up the matching amount of fingers to the number called out. This helped us with our listening skills.
To improve our pronunciation skills, we then played a board game where we had to roll a dice on the iPad. We then moved our playing piece the same amount of spaces only we had to count out loud in French. As an extra task, if we landed on a space where there was a colour splat, we had to say the colour in French. If we got it correct, we earned an extra turn to throw the dice! The winner was the one who arrived in the centre space first.
Scotty’s 🏃♀️ 🏃♂️
Yesterday, Crew Hamill had their memory skills put to the test when they took part in a group game at Scotty’s. In mini crews, we had to remember a message and pass it on to our crew mates without forgetting any of the words. The last person in our crew had to relay the message back to the Scotty’s leader and we got a point for every word we remembered! This was tricky enough, but we also had to take part in an obstacle course that was designed to distract us and make us forget.
French – Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin 🇫🇷🖼
We looked at the artwork of the French artist, Matisse and talked about how he uses colour and shape to create abstract pieces of art. We looked at some of his pieces based on animals and decided to create our own piece of Matisse-inspired artwork… with a twist! So that we could create our piece, we had to work with a partner to ask them in French for certain shapes, but we were only allowed to use 6! We had to include information about the size, shape and colour we needed. Some of us even challenged ourselves by saying ‘I would like…, please’ and ‘thank you’ in French too!
Once we had finished, we did a gallery walk around the classroom to view the pieces created by the rest of our crew. We shared praises and notices whilst we were moving around the room. Take a look at some of our finished pieces! ✨
National Storytelling Week 📖📚
This afternoon, Crew Hamill learned all about National Storytelling Week and spent some time reading a few chapters from our class book. We’re really loving this book and cannot wait to find out what happens to the polar bear! 🐻❄️