Challenge Crew

This morning, we had to continue to work in a crew to achieve a common goal. We worked in mini crews and were set the challenge of seeing which mini crew could hold the most pieces of paper between parts of their body. There were strict rules in that we could not fold the paper or use anything, such as glue, to help us. We also weren’t allowed to let the pieces of paper touch each other.

Science Experiment – Ice Caps 🧊

Yesterday, Crew Hamill prepared their next science experiment titled: “How does the temperature affect the rate at which ice melts?” We had a recap of what we already know about the ice caps and discussed how the ice is melting in Svalbard which is leading to problems in Svalbard and the UK. To understand the impact temperature has on ice, we have started an experiment in which we have prepared three blocks of ice that we will be exposing to three different environments – one in the freezer, one on a table at room temperature and one on a radiator, exposed to a higher temperature. We made a prediction that the ice at a higher temperature will melt at a faster rate than the ice in the freezer. We cannot wait to complete our experiment to see if we are right!

Demonstration Comprehension – Toad 🐸

This week, we had a really good discussion about the importance of demonstration comprehension and deepened our understanding of why we have this lesson. By working with our teacher, we were able to identify the key steps needed in order to read, understand and answer comprehension questions. By doing this, and listening to Miss Hamill as she talked us through her thought process, we were able to work in mini crews to answer some demonstration comprehension questions of our own.

Book Talk – Toad 🐸

This week, we have sunk our teeth into a brand new book – Toad. At the start of the week, we made predictions about what we thought would happen in the story, using two pictures from the book to support our ideas. We noticed that there was a princess and a toad and have read similar stories so we assumed it would end up with a happy, romantic ending! We then found out a bit more by reading the book introduction and had a discussion with our partners. Using Fastest Finger we worked in pairs to identify the answer to some questions about the book and have become much more confident with our retrieval and inference skills.

Citizenship Wednesday – Citizenship Crew

Today, Crew Hamill continued their learning on our ‘It’s My Body’ focus in citizenship crew. We learned about the importance of sleep, exercise and healthy eating as well as understanding the negative impact certain things can have on our body. We then organised images into ‘healthy’ and ‘damaging’, detailing which part of our body they impacted on.

Challenge Tuesday – Challenge Crew

In Tuesday’s challenge crew, Crew Hamill played ‘Jump In, Jump Out’. They formed a circle, holding hands, and had to follow instructions as a crew to jump in, jump out, jump left and jump right in unison. As if this wasn’t tricky enough, once we had managed to do this successfully, we were challenged further to do the opposite of the given instruction! This caused some confusion and led to lots of us bumping into each other but we got there in the end!

Mindfulness Monday – Mental Wellbeing 🧘🏻

In Monday’s Mindfulness Monday crew this week, Crew Hamill’s guiding question was ‘How do I look after myself mentally?’ We discussed the importance of simple self-care techniques, including the importance of rest, spending time with friends and family and the benefits of hobbies and interests. We then spent some time creating posters that illustrated what we do for our own self-care.

Demonstration Comprehension

Today, we re-read our class text – Wailing Winny’s Carboot Sale – and really honed in on what was happening in the story, pulling apart each part of the text to truly understand the story. Following this, we listened as Miss Hamill demonstrated how she would answer comprehension questions based on what we had read. We worked with her to identify the key information within the question (e.g. key vocabulary) and then identified this on the specified page. We learned that it was extremely important to be specific when pulling our answers out of the text and that when we were finding and copying information, it must be spelt correctly!

Scientific Data 📈

Today, we started Case Study 2 – Science. This will support us in answering our guiding question: How can we protect our wonderful world? During our first lesson, we looked at a range of data about Svalbard and discussed what this told us. We were shocked to discover just how much things are changing due to climate change and the impact this has on Svalbard.