In Crew Haddock we have been writing about Ice Age – The Meltdown .Today we typed it up on the computer 🖥

In Crew Haddock we have been writing about Ice Age – The Meltdown .Today we typed it up on the computer 🖥
Crew Haddock are having another bake sale on Thursday 29th February at 3pm. We are hoping you can all come and support us in raising more funds for our AP unit.
Crew Haddock loved Scotty’s today and Sharni-Mae was Scotty’s Hero ..Well done Sharni-Mae
In Crew Haddock today the children have been using the areas where they had to sort the picture cards into the right recycle bin.
For a special Scottie’s heroes treat, Crew Haddock and Crew Pashley participated in a bouncy obstacle course!
Crew Haddock, Crew Pashley and Crew Hamill enjoyed their fun day on the in Scottys today
Inspiring change 🌎 making a difference and a positive difference to the online world 🌎
In Expeditions we were looking at the difference between England and Svalbard
LKS2 walked all the way to the recycle centre as part of their expedition to find out how we can save the planet by recycling.
Crew Haddock were outside today trying to raise funds to help to pay towards their school trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. They raised £73.40! We would like to thank all the parents and staff for their support. The children really enjoyed helping out.