Red Nose Day Fun!

To celebrate Red Nose Day, our school turned fundraising into a splash of fun! Mr Williamson bravely faced the challenge of being squirted with red paint, all in the name of raising money for a great cause. Laughter and a whole lot of red made it an afternoon to remember! Thank you to everyone who joined in and supported.


This week we have been exploring fractions, we have used many manipulative to secure our understanding and on Friday, it got a whole lot tastier! We used parts of a pizza to understand denominators. When we divided our pizza into equal slices, we could visualise that each slice represented a fraction of the whole pizza. Who knew math could be so delicious?

How much sleep do we need?

This week in crew, we’ve been exploring the importance of sleep and how it helps our bodies and minds stay healthy. We’ve learned how a good night’s sleep can improve concentration, mood, and energy levels, as well as support growth and overall well-being. Did you know that children should be getting at least ten hours a sleep per night! Oliver was excited to share that he does and loves a good nights sleep!

Experimenting with Fronted Adverbials

This week we’ve been mastering the art of fronted adverbials. By adding words and phrases at the beginning of our sentences, we’ve learned how to describe whenwhere, or how something happens. From ‘Later that evening’ to ‘He quickly dashed,’ we are trying to make our writing more exciting and descriptive.

Conductors and Insulators

We thoroughly enjoyed learning about and investigating conductors and insulators. Before conducting our experiment, we made predictions about which materials would be conductors (allowing electricity to pass through) and which would be insulators (blocking the flow of electricity). As a crew, we discussed how to ensure a fair test by identifying the variables – keeping the circuit the same while changing only the materials. We then carried out our investigation, recorded our findings in a results table, concluding our results. 

Rock, paper, run!

Today, we had to run through an obstacle course where every challenge was unlocked by a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! We had to defeat obstacles (us!) with the right move, and sprint to the finish. Strategy, speed, and quick thinking led the children to victory – it was such great fun and lots of positive sportsmanship observed!