As we continued with our work on ‘Swing-a-long’, we felt the 2-time and 3-time beats by moving along to the music only this time instead of doing so alone, we had to stay in time with a partner too! This added a little bit of challenge as we had to not only think about staying in time with the music, but also another person!
We then practised using 2 and 3-time beats by creating our own rhythms with a partner. The rest of the crew then had to listen and watch carefully as we performed our rhythms to decide whether it was a 2-beat or 3-beat rhythm.
We began our new unit ‘Swing-a-long with Shostakovich’ by listening to the piece of music and moving using a swaying motion. We tried to keep in time to the beat, thinking about not moving too fast or too slow. We chanted 1, 2, 3 as we did it to try and keep us in time. We discussed that this was called a 3-time beat.
In the second section of the song, the beat changes slightly. To show this, we tapped our knees on 1, then clapped our hands on 2. We found out this was called a 2-time beat.
We talked about the composer of this piece and how Dmitri Shostakovich was a famous composer who wrote jazz suites made up of dances. One piece called ‘Polka’ has a 2-time beat, whereas the ‘Waltz’ has a 3-time beat. We listened to both pieces and counted out loud to recognise the difference in beats, before we began to move our bodies to both beats.
We then became musical detectives and looked at how you could create 2-beat and 3-beat rhythms using body percussion. We listened to a selection of short pieces of music and used body percussion to help us decide whether the piece has a 2-time beat or a 3-time beat. We were really good at this and it shows we have a good ear for recognising patterns in music!
Today we explored how bullying can affect our mental health. We looked at different scenarios and discussed these as a crew. We conferred that bullying happens over a long period of time, continuously. We looked at the scenarios which led to discussions around how to treat each other to ensure we all felt mentally happy and safe. – Koa suggested that by using kind words to our friends that everyone would be happy to come to school. – Thomas said that if he saw unkind behaviour that he would talk to a trusted adult to help him. – Evie said that if someone is bullied they might feel upset and lonely. – Riley suggested that if we saw a friend being left out we could be kind to them and invite them to play a game. I am so proud of how caring Crew Godley are!
In crew this week we have being looking at mental health. Today the children looked at food and had to take the time to appreciate each bite. They had some fruit and had to think about how it looked, taste, feel, hear, see an smell. so we used our senses to find these out
Today I was absolutely blown away by the beautiful work Crew Godley produced in writing. We wrote our second plot point of our story, All Afloat Noah’s Boat. Noah was getting soaked by the rain and had to usher all the animals onto the boat, it wasn’t an easy task!
Today we continued with our collage skills to create our Art work in the style of Henri Matisse, we created animals which Noah invited onto his ark. We thought carefully about the colours and shape of the materials we used to create some beautiful pieces! We were very proud!
This week in maths we have been exploring arrays to support us with our multiplication and division, it was a little tricky but with some perseverance we finally cracked it! We worked hard to use what we already know to support our learning, our practical resource came in very handy to solve some problems.