Young Voices 2023 – KS2 After School Club

Preparations for Young Voices will begin on Tuesday 1st November (3:00-4:00) for children in KS2. Please ensure that your child is signed up via ParentPay to secure their place. The club will be FREE to attend and further information about our Young Voices performance will be sent out in due course. This event is always such a great success and it would be fantastic if as many children as possible are able to attend our rehearsals weekly ready for our performance at Sheffield Arena in January 2023!

Maths – 14/10/22

Crew Shields have really had to engage their brains this morning in Maths as we tackled some sums that required more than one exchange. This was made a little trickier especially when there was a zero in the number because we have to exchange from another column. Despite being tricky for a Friday morning, it didn’t faze them and they have given it 100% as always. Great effort everyone!

Scotty’s Heroes – Shelters

Massive well done to Crew Shields for their great work in Scotty’s heroes. The children were learning how to build a shelter which would protect them from the elements. They really enjoy Scotty’s Heroes because it’s teaching them great life skills.

Year 3-6 football tournament! ⚽️

What a great afternoon, Years 3 to 6 have had at Campsmount for the football tournament. The boys gave their all in pretty poor weather and we didn’t let the wet weather dampen our spirits! Even though they did not get the results they wanted, the boys were fantastic. Their effort and humility was fantastic to see. After each game, they shook hands with their competitors and did not complain. You guys did myself and Mrs Rhodes proud. More importantly, you represented the school brilliantly. Keep going and you will continue to improve and get even better!

There were so many of our boys playing football for the first time today and they gave it their all. Seeing their enjoyment and happy smiles at the end was completely worth it. The fact that they enjoyed playing this wonderful game is amazing to see!

It was incredibly tricky to choose a player of the tournament for both the 3/4 and 5/6 teams. These were, Tommy M (Year 5) and Charlie S (Year 3). Both boys were impressive in the net and pulled off some fantastic saves. Our most improved players were Kaylum (Year 5) and Thomas O (Year 4). It was incredibly difficult to pick because of the fantastic displays throughout.

Check through our photos for the team spirit:

Keep an eye out for more tournament/competition updates and celebrations! 😆⚽️

Memory Challenge – Crew Shields

This morning in Crew, Mrs Rhodes tested our memory. There were 2 packs of cards turned upside down on the floor and then we had to work in groups to find the most pairs.

It took us some time to realise we needed to ensure the rest of our group could see the cards we turned over and that we needed to use our voices to help each other. Great way to get our brains kicked started after a 4 day weekend. Good job everyone!

COJO – Crew Shields

Yesterday, we started the new week with a COJO challenge. The children were split into 2 groups and their mission was to get their team and all their equipment from one side of the playground to the other. Sounds easy but this requires lots of listening, team work and problem solving Children were only able to stand on the spots or in a hoop, unfortunately, if you fell off, you lost a team member so very important everyone worked together.

When discussing why they hadn’t been successful, children quickly realised they’d made the gaps between the spots to big which left it difficult to move from one space to another or they needed to devise a new strategy if they were to complete the task again.

Positive Post its – Crew Shields

This morning in Crew we had come positive post it time. Children were given a name of another child in their crew and they had to praise them for something they’d done this week. This ensured that all crew members were praised and recognised for the things they properly do without even thinking. It was so lovely to hear the things they had said about each other such as, being mature, being resilient, always trying their best, being funny, helping each other when they are stuck or even during football. There were definitely lots of smiles during our Crew session this morning.

Hockey – Crew Shields

Crew Shields have been working well in PE today as they worked on their sportsmanship. It was lovely to see them working together and encouraging each other. We have been working on listening skills so it was great to see them following the instructions carefully. Good job Crew!