Magic Maths

In magic maths we have been recapping angles. This was a great opportunity for the children to get up and moving by showing acute, right angle and obtuse angles using their arms.

National Storytelling week

We have kicked off Storytelling week by spending time reading our library book to a partner.

We used this as an opportunity to listen to different genres as some children find it difficult to decide on the genre they like to read.

The crew enjoyed this and this is something we’ll try to do more often.

Maths Coaching

Well done to Georgie and Ava who tried their hand at some coaching during maths today. We all appreciated your support.

Celebration Crew

This morning in crew we took some time to go through our books and think about presentation. As well as considering what we are doing well as a crew, we thought about ways to be even better. Some really good critique using out I praise and I wonder phrases.

Martin Luther King – How did he change our future?

Today, we have been learning more about Martin Luther King who peacefully protested for equal rights for all black people. We learned about how this man’s willingness to stand up for what was right made vital changes to laws so black people had equal rights. Some great discussions and mini crew work to start building background knowledge.

Significant events

As we continue through our History case study, we started to think about significant events and how these have impacted today’s society.

We started with a silent conversation where children had to think about what the image showed and when in history it took place.

Once we had finished discussing the events and when we thought they happened. It was time to match the image with the statement before putting them in chronological order. Lovely to see that some children already had some prior knowledge of these events such as Titanic, the Queen’s coronation.

PE – Gymnastics

Some great examples of gymnastics during PE.

Children had to jump from the bench and practice using pike, straddle, tuck, star, half turn and full turn after they jumped.


During Science, we have been investigating how we get shadows. To achieve green standard, children had to explore if they could prove whether light travels in straight lines or not.

By the end of experiment, children were confident that light travels in straight lines and that we have shadows due to an object blocking the light source.

February half term camp!

We have exciting news again, Active Fusion are hosting camps at out school in February half term (Monday 13th – Friday 17th February). Camps will cost £6 per day and children we need to bring their own pack lunch. The reason camps are charged this time is because Active Fusion are not receiving any funding from the government.

Please sign up using the link below: