Reading and grammar in MI

We recapped apostrophes in our grammar session today, completing some activities on white boards and with our partner. We then applied our knowledge to a range of questions. We then explored a practise sats paper in our reading lesson. Children text marked confidently, unpicking vocabulary before answering questions. Our inference skills are really improving, our Wednesday inference sessions are really supporting us and helping us to become more confident when answering these type of questions.

MI’s final arithmetic practise paper

Today MI completed their final arithmetic paper before the real one next week!! Such focus and resilience today! Everyone was so eager to get their best score! Children then worked through the questions they got wrong proving they were able to answer all questions correctly. We will work on some of the incorrect answers in our arithmetic sessions tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Great work today MI 🙂

Maths in MI

We explored the inverse in our magic maths session today as well as consolidating our knowledge on measure. We divided and multipled by 10, 100 and 1000 when converting between units of measure.

Writing in MI

MI have now written their first 2 plot points of their 3rd person suspense narrative. Their setting descriptions included some great figurative language and their second plot point introduced an unknown threat that started to approach their main character. We can’t wait to write our next plot point!

Poetry in MI

Today we continued to unpick 3 mark questions using APE to support our answers. We then moved onto a poetry text, thinking about the meaning of the poem. We had to use our inference skills today in order to find answers as well as thinking about some of the vocabulary. The poem really challenged our thinking but allowed us to have some really good discussions.

Maths continues in MI

In magic maths we found the mean then converted between fractions, decimals and percentages. In our main maths lesson, we continued to look at word problems. Such hard work again in MI 🙂