Maths in Crew MI

We are still working really hard in Crew MI to make sure that we are prepared for secondary school in September. This morning, we played with the timestable cards because we know it is really important we confident with these. After that, we played a fraction game where we had to roll a dice to generate fractions and then decide where to put them so we could add or subtract them to get the biggest numbers. Finally, we played Countdown numbers game. This was great fun!

Reading outside crew MI

Crew MI took their reading outside today in the lovely sun , they had to workout and draw a 5 foot hole on the floor using chalk as this was the size of the hole that was dug. Then before we finished reading chapter 7 we did a few freeze frames.

Maths in MI

We enjoyed lots of chanting of our timestables in our magic maths sessions today. Then we did some quick recall on whiteboards, really pushing our pace. We recapped our knowledge of place value before taking part in a loop card activity. This involved quick thinking and working out answers quickly to see who had the answer to the question.

We then did a carousel of arithmetic, thinking about our pace and ensuring we remembered all the methods we had been taught. We worked with a partner for the carousel and there was some great coaching taking place. This was a pleasure to see where children were coaching children through the different methods needed whilst offering support at the same time.

Reading in MI

Our entry ticket today allowed us to think about all the characters in the story so far and and what we know about them. After working in mini crews we made a class anchor chart on our findings. We enjoyed reading out loud again today using a read around the robin, an echo read and enjoyed reading with our partner. We text marked as we read, really thinking about the vocabulary which we unpicked. We voiced our thoughts and opinions about some of the parts of the story and this helped when unpicking some book talk questions. Our exit ticket challenged our knowledge on what we had read. We had to summarise Stanley’s morning (the main character in our story) in no more than 50 words. Children shared their summaries and showed their understanding of the text.

Drawing pie charts

In Crew MI, we have been learning about pie charts all week and today was the day we learnt how to draw them. It was tricky at first because we had to work out how many degrees each segment would be then we used a protractor to measure accurately. We got there in the end.