A great start in MI…

We started our day with our caring crew. Here we continued to think about families and people who care for us. We started to discuss how we can support our families. We discussed some of our favourite memories then we worked as a crew to build our own acrostic poem about family. Finally we worked independently to create our own. We shared these as part of our debrief.

During reading, we started to learn about forces. We used lots of strategies to develop our fluency then worked collaboratively during our book talk session.

In writing we used the planning we had built last week to write PP2 of our independent write. Some great writing by all 🙂 A great day MI 🙂

Arithmetic work in Crew MI

We have worked really hard this morning practising our method for short division. We began the lesson by answering a hinge question which then helped to guide us on what questions we needed to answer and if we needed some support. We got smart and challenged ourselves. Bring on that arithmetic paper!!

A great Tuesday in MI

MI started the day well in our challenge crew session. MI had to work together to pass around objects without making a sound. As we made progress with this, we added more objects, changed the direction in the circle and added time limits. A great sense of team work and encouragement from all.

MI have started planning their independent write today. We built our own target grids based on the features from the rubric that we had used previously in our first narrative and used the lenses too. We then used our graphic organiser well to build our own ideas. Children used post it notes to build some of their own sentences using both their target grids and graphic organiser as support. I can’t wait for children to get writing tomorrow and to read their first plot point.

Handwriting in MI

MI had great handwriting session this afternoon. They thought about the work hard howl by ensuring they had a positive attitude to their learning but they also thought about the get smart howl by producing beautiful work they are proud of. MI were really engaged and are really trying hard to form all letters correctly whilst finding their own consistent style.

Challenge Crew in MI

A great start to the day this morning in Challenge Crew. MI took part in COJO challenges along with different team building activities. Lots of positive praise by all and a great way to start the day!

An active start in MI

This morning in crew, we started to think about the Queens life. Different facts about the Queen were scattered outside of the classroom. Children worked in mini crews, one being the researcher (they had to nip outside, read the information and bring a fact back.) They shared this will another crew member who added this to their sugar paper. This process continued with everyone taking a role in the task. In our debrief, we shared the facts we had gathered about the Queens life and discussed the importance of doing this.

Setting descriptions in MI

Today MI created their own setting description linking to the work we have been doing in expedition. We imagined that we were one of the first people to land on the moon and used the feelings lens for support. We applied our learning from our experience day and grammar day and used our anchor charts to support our ideas. We really thought about our get smart howl by reflecting on our achievements and challenging ourselves to improve after critique. We also used our target grids well for support.

A great Monday in MI

This morning Crew MI took part in their Caring Crew where we talked about who is in our family, who loves us and why our families make us feel safe. We worked in small groups to build back up a jigsaw using a variety of different families then we discussed what we noticed about the pictures thinking about what was the same and what was different. There was some great collaborative working during this activity which was lovely to see. We then drew our families, describing characteristics about each member, what they are like, what they do and what they enjoy. We then shared these things with the rest of the crew. During our debrief, we thought about what our jobs are as a member of Crew MI and we made pledges for moving forward. Crew was fantastic this morning! Great job Crew MI 🙂

In our expeditionary learning we took part in a grammar lesson thinking about figurative language. We explored similes, metaphors, personification and hyperbole. We worked collaboratively to build our own examples linking them to space and linking to the chapter we have been unpicking in our reading lessons.

A great day in MI, our HOWL score was 3.5 🙂 Lets keep this up MI.