Young Voices 2023 – KS2 After School Club

Preparations for Young Voices will begin on Tuesday 1st November (3:00-4:00) for children in KS2. Please ensure that your child is signed up via ParentPay to secure their place. The club will be FREE to attend and further information about our Young Voices performance will be sent out in due course. This event is always such a great success and it would be fantastic if as many children as possible are able to attend our rehearsals weekly ready for our performance at Sheffield Arena in January 2023!

Investigating gravity in MI

Today we looked at a Newton meter and measured the force acting on different objects. We worked collaboratively to do this and used the scale to read the amount of newtons.

Using our knowledge so far we then thought about what we could do to test gravity. This became our aim. This was what we wanted to find out. We then thought about what a hypothesis was and its purpose. We thought about how this would help our investigation. We then wrote our own hypothesis.

From here we took part in the investigation testing out our aim and hypothesis. You can see us in action below… We were all shocked by what we found out!

Exploring types of forces in MI

Today we started to explore and discuss forces in our expedition lessons. We watched a variety of different clips to understand what a force is and the different types. We then became active and showed both gravity and friction in different ways. We then used the knowledge we had gained to create our own anchor chart for our working wall on the different types of forces. We showed great collaborative working and supported our partner well.

Year 3-6 football tournament! ⚽️

What a great afternoon, Years 3 to 6 have had at Campsmount for the football tournament. The boys gave their all in pretty poor weather and we didn’t let the wet weather dampen our spirits! Even though they did not get the results they wanted, the boys were fantastic. Their effort and humility was fantastic to see. After each game, they shook hands with their competitors and did not complain. You guys did myself and Mrs Rhodes proud. More importantly, you represented the school brilliantly. Keep going and you will continue to improve and get even better!

There were so many of our boys playing football for the first time today and they gave it their all. Seeing their enjoyment and happy smiles at the end was completely worth it. The fact that they enjoyed playing this wonderful game is amazing to see!

It was incredibly tricky to choose a player of the tournament for both the 3/4 and 5/6 teams. These were, Tommy M (Year 5) and Charlie S (Year 3). Both boys were impressive in the net and pulled off some fantastic saves. Our most improved players were Kaylum (Year 5) and Thomas O (Year 4). It was incredibly difficult to pick because of the fantastic displays throughout.

Check through our photos for the team spirit:

Keep an eye out for more tournament/competition updates and celebrations! 😆⚽️

Citizenship crew in MI

Today we thought about the word ’ambition.’ We created an anchor chart with our initial ideas then we watched a clip. We noted down words that came to our minds whilst watching the clip then voiced these to the whole crew. We then took part in a sorting activity where we looked at different vocabulary linking to ambition. In our debrief we discussed our own ambition with our partner then shared these as a whole crew.

Knowledge dump in MI

Today we thought about all the learning we had completed in case study one. We created a knowledge dump to help us to write our case study reflection. It was great to see how much we had remembered 🙂 Great work MI 🙂

Edit and redraft in MI

Yesterday, in our expeditionary learning, we took part in a critique session where we unpicked a crew members plot point. We offered praise, notices and wonders linking to our gold and green standards then used feedback to edit and redraft the piece. Today we worked on our our plot point where we tried to make it better. We thought about which of our gold standards needed more work and added this to our work when redrafting. We also really thought about green standard, trying to include this in our writing.

A carousel of maths in MI

Today we took part in a maths quiz in order to consolidate the arithmetic learning we have been doing. We rotated round a carousel of activities looking at both long and short division, long multiplication and adding and subtracting decimals. We worked hard by ensuring we had a positive attitude throughout, we got smart by supporting others to succeed by working collaboratively and we showed kindness by communicating with respect. A great maths lesson today MI 🙂